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Investigating target markets and brand positioning

Using the segmentation bases shown in Figures 2-3 and 2-4, conduct a target market analysis for one brand that targets the consumer market and one brand that targets the business market. In addition, you must appropriately cite all resources used in your responses and document in a bibliography using APA style. A 4 page paper

figure 2-3

figure 2-4

Part A Select a brand that targets the consumer market and analyze the brand’s target market. Include behavioral, demographic, psychographic and geographic characteristics of the target market in your analysis. Write a summary of your responses in paragraph form that addresses all four (4) areas covered in Figure 2-3.

Part B Select a brand that targets the business market and analyze the brand’s target market. Include the nature of the good, the buying condition and demographic characteristics of the target market in your analysis. Write a summary of your responses in paragraph form that addresses all three (3) areas covered in Figure 2-4.

Part C For each of the two (2) brands, explain how you would position your product to reach the intended target market. Support your positioning strategy with an example.


Last Updated on September 15, 2018

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