The project is designed to improve one’s ability to observe and interpret activities, writing and critical thinking skills. For this project, review a hearing on C-SPAN. Prepare a 2-3 page reflection paper. If you reviewed a hearing, do not repeat verbatim what was said by each person but rather, identify committee members. Also discuss,
- the attending committee members interactions,
- who gave testimony, what party and/or who was chairing the meeting,
- what was the issue being discussed and why, and
- your reaction to review the hearing.
All written work for this class must conform to the following guidelines:
- All written work must be typed, in WORD format, double lined-spaced with one-inch margins, and in twelve-point (12) font, Times New Roman. All paragraphs should be indented five spaces (using the tab button once) and insert a line space between paragraphs.
- All written assignments must include a cover page with the student’s name, the class for which you are writing the paper, the due date and instructor. The cover page should not have a header or a page number on it. All pages must be numbered. Note: The cover page, citation page, or any appendices with charts or figures do not count towards the page requirements of written assignments
- All sources must be cited, in-text paraenthical and on a works cited page. Guidance on how to compose citations can be found in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, (6th ed). An abridged, online version of the guide can be found at:
- NO sources for any paper can be from the Internet, except if the site itself is the subject of the paper—for example the Bureau of Labor and Statics—and/or if the site lists statistics that cannot be found in printed form.