International Marketing Task brief & rubrics
Task: Individual case study analysis
Read the case study uploaded to Moodle titled “The Netflix effect” in Thailand by Pirongrong Ramasoota, Abhibhu Kitikamdhorn (you can find it in a PDF format
at the top part of the course’s page, right below the shortcuts). Here is a link to the publisher’s page of the case study too. Answer the following questions:
- Identify and discuss the nature and type of marketing issues in the case (25%). Think about the aspects of the case that would involve the marketing
department. How does the marketing framework (of the international market) look like in this case? Develop it in a reasoned manner.
- Were these strategies/tactics/actions implemented? (10%). What did the company do well? Where did they go wrong?
- What were the consequences of the taken strategies/tactics/actions? (15%). What was the aftermath of their strategy? How did customers react? What
did the company do? How did competitors react? What is the situation now? Conduct further research if necessary.
- Were procedures in line with existing codes of practice, policy, or theories? (25%). Mention all theories and frameworks that should be developed when
expanding. Develop one of the cultural theories of analysis seen in class and reflect on the findings. Did the company apply this tool correctly? Why/not?
- Design possible recommendations aimed at provided better responses or fixing the identified issues (25%). Considering all the previous analysis, come up
with 2-4 recommendations for the company to maintain or improve their position in this international market. Conduct a SLEPT analysis if necessary.
- Wordcount: 2000 words (+/- 10%)
- Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded of the total wordcount.
- Font: Arial 12 pts.
- The in-text References and the Bibliography must be in Harvard’s citation style.
Submission and weight: Week 5, 08th of May 2022 – with a weighting of 40%. Submission through Turnitin submission point on Moodle (no e-mail submissions)
It assesses the following learning outcomes:
- analyze the role of marketing in world markets in the complex global competitive environment landscape.
- contrast and examine the complex business environment from political, cultural, legal, technological, and economical angles and industry
- critically evaluate and formulate marketing strategies in the international context.
Rubrics midterm
Exceptional 90-100 Good 80-89 Fair 70-79 Marginal fail 60-69
Discussion of marketing factors
You clearly identify all the necessary factors that the marketing department is involved in. The discussion is well-argued and using pertinent vocabulary and developing the marketing framework appropriately.
You identify all the activities that the marketing department is involved in. The discussion is overall justified, and the marketing framework is well developed. Consider emphasizing key vocabulary seen in class.
You clearly identify the necessary factors that the marketing department is involved in. The discussion is well-argued overall but using pertinent vocabulary and more details in the framework would improve this part of your work.
You should clearly identify all the necessary factors that the marketing department is involved in. The marketing framework is addressed but not properly or fully developed. Further development and explanations are needed.
Analysis of the implementation
and consequences (25%)
The strategies applied in the market of destination are well explained overall. The consequences of the company’s entrance in the market are explained in detail and following a very good reasoning.
The strategies applied in the market of destination are appropriately explained. The consequences of the company’s presence are addressed in good enough detail.
The strategies applied in the market of destination are included but could use some revision. The consequences of the company’s strategy gare addressed but further development is needed.
The strategies applied in the market of destination are well explained overall. The consequences of the company’s entrance in the market are explained in detail and following a very good reasoning.
Analysis of codes of practice, policy, or
theories (25%)
The list of necessary frameworks is very adequate, and the cultural analysis includes all necessary information, relying on very good sources and demonstrating excellent understanding of the tool.
The list of necessary frameworks is adequate, and the cultural analysis includes good information, relying on good sources and demonstrating an overall good understanding of the tool. Some parts could be further explained.
The list of necessary frameworks is included, although some others may be needed. The cultural analysis includes interesting information but using more details at key sections would improve your work.
The list of necessary frameworks misses important tools, and although the cultural analysis includes interesting information, explicitly referring and applying the tool as seen in class would be best.
Recommendations (25%)
The recommendations reflect on previous analysis very adequately and demonstrate very good critical thinking skills.
The recommendations reflect on previous analysis to a good extent and demonstrate good critical thinking skills.
The recommendations could reflect more on previous analysis, but they show fair critical thinking skills overall.
The recommendations need to reflect on previous analysis in order to demonstrate good critical thinking skills.