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International Business Proposal

You will represent an automotive production company/organization and plan a hypothetical business trip to a non-English-speaking region in which you give a presentation to your international colleagues about either a) expanding business to the region or b) developing a specific product for the region. You will select the country (cannot be USA or Canada).

Research this region’s values/attitudes toward work, family, attire, gender.You should also study relevant customs, religion, politics, etc. as well as nonverbal cues like time, body language, etc.Basically, learn all the necessary components of this particular culture in order to successfully conduct business with them.

While planning the hypothetical presentation and composing your report, be sure to avoid the use of slang or other idioms/clichés that might be misinterpreted by your international colleagues.You can assume they are fluent in English, but you should still remain sensitive to the language barrier.

Your report will contain information you learn about your region’s culture as well as background information on the company/organization you are representing as it relates to the expansion and details of the proposal for for expansion. The audience of the report is internal within your business now.

The company/organization you choose to represent can be a fictitious one or one that already exists. if the company already exists, make sure they do not have a location in the country to which you want to expand.

Specific Requirements:

The report will cover all of the items listed in the description above regarding your international business venture.

Specifically, it will contain…

  • Title page
  • Table of contents/list of illustrations
  • Abstract
  • 1,000 – 1,250 words (separate from the front matter) with a short introduction and details of aforementioned topics
  • Properly labeled illustrations/figures within the body paragraphs; however, don’t waste too much valuable body space with lots of irrelevant pictures, and be sure to refer to illustrations/figures in the text
  • Conclusion and/or recommendations to individuals making a similar excursion
  • Works Cited or References Page with at least four credible secondary sources
  • Proper use of APA format with in-text citations
  • Correct pagination format for both the front matter and body of the report

Note: The report should be double-spaced with 12-point, Times New Roman font. Include internal citations and the references page.


Last Updated on October 2, 2019

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