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Integration Marketing Communication


Prepare a report about one product or service or corporate image containing information that
could be used for an Integrated Marketing Communication program. You can choose a product,
service or corporate image from your own business or from another business with which you are
familiar. In your report you must include information about: Analysis of the current market
situation of the chosen product/service/corporate image. Determination of the integrated
marketing communications objectives. Establishment and allocation of the promotional budget.
justify your choice for the budgeting approach and allocation of budget. Development of an
Integrated Marketing Communication program using at least two of the tools (e.g. advertising
direct marketing, digital marketing, sales promotion, PR, personal selling). Explanation of how you
will monitor. evaluate and control the program ASSIGNMENT REQUIREMENTS Important
assignment instructions The required word length for this assignment is 2500 words (plus or minus
1096). Your assignment will be marked according to the criteria outlined in the assessment grading
criteria outlined in the Subject Outline. In terms of structure. presentation and style you are
normally required to use: AIB standard report format AIB preferred Microsoft Word settings author-
date style referencing (which includes in-text citations plus a reference list). These requirements are
detailed in the A18 Style Guide. Reference lists for AIB assignments/projects normally contain the

following number of relevant references from different sources: 6-12 dor MBA assignments). All
references must be from credible sources such as books, industry related journals magazines.
company documents and recent academic articles. Your grade will be adversely afiected if your
assignment contains no/poor citations and/or reference list and if your assignment word length is
beyond the allowed tolerance level (see Assessment Policy available on AIB website). Useful
resources when working on your assignments include: AIB Assignment Guide AIB Style Guide AIB
Online Library. Assignment submission All assignments must be submitted by 1 1.55 pm Adelaide, 5
South Australia time (ACS‘I) on the due date. All assignments must be submitted via the learning
portal. No penalty will be applied to assessment items that fall below the word count range:
students should note that such submissions are unlikely to enable demonstration of pass grade
performance. A penalty of 2596 017 the assessed mark will be applied to assessment items above the
word count range (AIB’s Assessment Policy and Procedures 1.3). Where no extension has been
granted, 5 96 of the allocated total mark for the assignment will be deducted for each day the
assignment is overdue. Assignments submitted 20 days after the due date will not be accepted by

Marketing Communication

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Last Updated on April 25, 2020

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