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Integrated Marketing Communications



Prepare a 250 -350-word paper in which you define Integrated Marketing Communications.

Include in your paper

* Your personal definition of IMC

* Compare and contrast two definitions

* Identify the two resources used.



Prepare a 250 -350-word paper

Choose a product or service you are familiar with. In developing an integrated marketing communications plan for that product or service what are the key pieces of information you will need from the corporate plan and the marketing plan to use for the IMC to assure integrity of the brand? Explain.



Check out these links to 4 Canadian advertising agencies based in Vancouver and Toronto. From what you see, what type of services do they offer? How is their approach reflective of IMC (integrated marketing communications), or not?


How does integrated marketing communications differ from traditional advertising and promotion? What re some reasons more marketers are taking an IMC perspective to their advertising and promotional programs? Note an example of IMC you have seen and explain why you think it is effective


What factors would lead a marketer to use a repositioning strategy? Find a product or service that has been repositioned recently and comment on the strategy.


Further to our exploration of creative tactics decisions, I’d like you to have a listen to this radio program that was on CBC. It is done by Terry O’Reily. He does a regular commentary on advertising in a segment called “The Age of Persuasion.” This link is to an episode he did on “great Canadian campaigns”. Have a listed (it runs about 27 minutes and is quite entertaining). Once you’ve listened, comment on the campaigns you found had the most impact for you and why, keeping in mind the creative tactics that were used. Use Terry’s comments as well as your own understanding after having read the chapter to formulate your opinions. Have fun – you’ll enjoy this!


This week we more into Chapter 7 & 8 and look at creative strategy decisions and creative tactics decisions. Find an example of an ad or campaign that you think reflects one of the approaches used to develop a creative theme such as unique selling proposition, brand image, inherent drama, or positioning. Discuss how the creative theme is used in this ad or campaign. If you can, link to the image of the ad, or TV spot, or at the very least describe it, where you saw it etc. Once you have posted your initial comment, be sure to read classmates responses and then agree/disagree or add your comments. Have fun!


Discuss the differences between pretesting and post testing advertising. Give examples of each. Can you think of any ads that may not have been pretested (or tested well anyway!), and had to be recalled or adjusted once there was public feedback? This last part might be a hard one, but if you’ve got one, it will likely provoke great discussion.


Buying media is thought to be a combination of both art and science. There’s the science of calculating reach a frequency or comparing various media vehicles on their CPM (cost per thousand). However, the art side is becoming more important, especially with so many changes happening in social media, the internet, and digital TV viewing patterns. Comment on your thoughts of how the emergence of digital and social media challenges media planners and how this might effect the advertising agency business in the future.

Last Updated on December 13, 2020

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