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Intеrрrоfеssiоnаl Соllаbоrаtiоn аnd Теаmwоrk

Write a 3-4-page article that addressesthe topic of interprofessional collaboration and teamwork in health care organizations A
majority of health care leaders today state that interprofessional collaboration is essential for effectiv e and efficient health care
delivery But this type of collaboration rarely occurs (Bankston 8; Glazer, 2013) In this assessment you will consider what it takes to
dey elop truly effective interprofessional col aborative teams.
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By successfully completing this assessment, you Will
demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
Competency 1 Explain strategies for
effective intertp‘rofessional teamwork and collaboration in health care delrveryi
Explain e challenges of working in
interprofessio nal teams.
Describe strategies to help people work effectrv ely together
Competency 2’ Analyze the implications
of working with interprofessional teams in multifaceted health care settings,
Exp ain the meaning of the term ‘interprofessional
collaboration‘ from a nursing perspective
Explain how interprofessional teams define success. f
Describe the
characteristics and qualities of effective interprofessional teams in terms of patient safety
Describe the benefits and
limitations of interprofessional teams for health care organizations. interprofesSional team members, and patients
Competency 4:
Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations of a nursing professional
Write content
clearly and logicallywith correct use of grammar, punctuation. and mechanics
Correctly format paper. citations, and references
usingAPA style
Assagnment instructions
Search the Capella library and Internet to locate scholarly and professional
journal articles on the elements of an effective interprofessional health care team to use as support in this 5
You hay e been asked to submit an article to be published in your organization‘s newsletter After careful
deliberation, you have decided to addressthe topic of interprofessional collaboration and teamwork in health care organizations. and how
teams can be successful. Your article should be 3-4 pages in length not including the title page and references page, Formatthis
assessment following APA guidelines.
Complete the following in your article
Explain what is meant by the term interprofessional
colbaboration from a nursing perspective (Do not simply copy a definition from a dictionary or other resourcel)
characteristics and qualities of effective interprofessional teams in terms of patient care and safety.
Describe the benefits and
limitations of interprofessional teams for health care organizations, members of a team‘ and patients
Explain the challenges of
working in an interprofessional team.
Describe strategies to help people come together to function effectively as a collaborative
te am
Explain how interprofessional teams define success ConSider how the definition might change based on the types of Situations the
team was formed to handle

Last Updated on February 14, 2019

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