An individual report requiring each student to assess the global challenges facing the Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) sector. 2000 words maximum.
With reference to recognised credible sources and using relevant economic data, such as GDP, unemployment, interest rates etc:
Evaluate the contemporary challenges evident within the global business environment and the impact (negative and positive situations) on the SME sector
in Hong Kong. Provide some specific company examples and how they have been affected by the global business environment.
Programme Title BA (Hons) Business EnterpriseModule Title Innovation, Creativity and EntrepreneurshipModule Code 1466Assignment Title
Contemporary challenges in the global business environment and the impact on the SME sectorLevel 6Weighting 50%Lecturers Paul Carless,
Gary Kirkham and Gillian McCurdyW/C Hand Out Date 02/09/2017Due Date By 19:00 (UK time) on02/11/2017 PT
Feedback Post Date 30/11/2017Assignment Format Individual ReportAssignment Word Count 2000 words maximumPresentation Duration N/A
Module Learning Outcomes covered in this assignment iSubmission Format e-Submission
An individual report requiring each student to assess the global challenges facing the Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) sector. 2000 words maximum.
With reference to recognised credible sources and using relevant economic data, such as GDP, unemployment, interest rates etc:
Evaluate the contemporary challenges evident within the global business environment and the impact on the SME sector in Hong Kong. Provide some specific
company examples and how they have been affected by the global business environment. (Learning outcome i)
In addition to the Generic Grading Criteria for HE work at Level 6, credit will be given for:
• Evidence of high levels of business knowledge and applied abilities to service sector.
• Critical analysis of issues in terms of breadth and depth.
Submission of Coursework:
Draft assignments
It is strongly recommended that you submit a draft version of your assignment to obtain helpful guidance from the lecturing team prior to submitting the
final assignment. You should submit the draft assignment for comment to the Draft Assignment submission point in the relevant module area in Canvas
either on or before the date specified. The lecturer then has 15 working days (i.e. three weeks) to evaluate the draft and provide feedback on your
performance allowing you time to make any necessary amendments before submitting the final version.
Please do not submit drafts to individual lecturers as they will not be accepted. Only drafts submitted to the Draft Assignment submission point will be
seen by the lecturing team.
Draft assignment submission date: 28th September 2017
Final assignments
Electronic submission via Canvas is required for this assignment. To submit your assignment online, access the relevant module site in Canvas and
navigate to the ‘Submit Here’ area towards the end of the module items. You can identify the correct submission point by the period in which you are
required to submit your assignment and by assessment type. For example, the submission point for this assignment is Semester 1 Courseworkand will appear
S1 CW PT: Submit Here
(the submission date will be visible below this heading when viewed on Canvas)
Final assignment submission date: 2nd November 2017
Full submission details can be found in the Canvas Guides by clicking on the help button on the left menu on the Canvas home page, selecting Dice Canvas
Guides then selecting Students.
Cut-off date for late work:
Work submitted after the submission due date risks being capped at 40% unless Extenuating Circumstances are submitted and accepted. The final cut-off
date for this assignment is 10 working days from the original deadline. Please follow the guidance on Extenuating Circumstances in the link on the
following page.
Teamwork and its assessment Should this assignment require you to work as part of a team, you will receive an individual grade based upon your
performance as well as personalised feedback. The module leader will explain how your individual grade and feedback will be determined.
Importance of word counts and presentation timings Assignment word counts and presentation timings should always be observed. Ignoring a word count
increases significantly the risk of your work losing marks because it lacked structure, flow, focus and clarity. Timings must be observed for assessed
presentations for the same reasons.
Cut-off date for late work
Grading criteria
Extenuating Circumstances
UCB Referencing Guide
General academic guidance