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Industry Analysis Report

This assessment is worth 20% of your total mark.
The goal of this assignment is to learn more about the industry (e.g., accounting, business, policing, hairstyling, etc.) in which you are seeking a career. You will apply Internet research skills in writing an informational report of your findings.
You will complete an industry analysis report for your chosen career path. The report should be no more than 2000 words, double-spaced, 12” font. APA referencing applies and your sources are to be cited and referenced.
The report must include:
1. An introduction that includes an overview of the chosen industry and states the objectives of the report
2. A discussion section with research findings describing the industry, identifying labour market information and presenting an environmental scan. (Labour Market information is important so you know what to expect once you graduate or are about to enter a new career. The point of an environmental scan is to tie the past, present and future together and to show where the industry needs to strengthen itself. You may need to research what an environmental scan is and look at examples in order to determine the information to include in your own report.)
3. A summary that synthesizes your findings and relates them to your career objectives

Note:Canadian government websites are particularly useful when researching Canadian labour market information (and unless you are a dual citizen or planning to live in the US immediately upon graduation, you should be focusing solely on Canada). An environmental scan is not focused on how “green” a company is. See IAR FAQ sheet in Additional Resources as well as Citing and Sourcing tip sheet for help with this assignment.
Grade: /20

Part A: Introduction that states objective and provides overview of the industry 2
Part B:Findings describe industry, labour market analysis and environmental scan using adequate detail 6
Part C: Summary that synthesizes research findings and relates them to your career objectives 2
Vocabulary: Uses a diverse and sophisticated range of technical terms with controlled and well developed sentences 1
Paragraphs and Language: Clear paragraphing and report structure; evaluative language used throughout 2
Sentence Structure, Spelling and Punctuation: controlled and well-developed sentences, correct spelling, accurate punctuation 2
Citations/Reference List:In-text citations are properly formatted and lead reader to reference page; reference page is included and correct 4
Format: Follows instructions 1
Grade 20

Last Updated on March 1, 2018

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