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Impact of unemployment on the economy

The impact of unemployment on the economy might be studied by focusing on the single concept of unemployment, by asking open-ended questions to unemployed participants, by collecting unemployed participant meanings, by bringing the researcher’s personal values into the study, by studying the context or setting of the unemployed participants, validating the accuracy of the findings, interpreting the findings, and then going about creating an agenda of reform through close collaboration with the unemployed participants)

B-( My interests are in the effects that economy undergoes during this high rate of unemployment era. This study is good because it helps in identifying problems and solutions to the same problems. The five key terms under this topic that I may use for search in the database are unemployment, education, policies, population and industries.

After using the key words for search, I came up with several journals and articles that have exact information and related information to the topic. In achieving a successful search, I used specific key words in question form to come up with exact information on peer reviewed journals that I wanted. The databases that were most helpful were Proquest and EBSCOH because of they have a wide range of scholarly materials).

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Last Updated on February 10, 2019

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