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Human Resource Assignment

Human Resource Assignment

In your opinion, what are at least three ways in which the human resources function adds value to an organization?

In the present-day hypercompetitive business environment, the human resource department and professionals have become an essential strategic facet in all organisations. Companies need a productive, satisfied, and performing workforce to work towards its goals and objectives (Fisher, Schoenfeldt& Shaw, 2006). The human resources develops strategies that firms can deploy to grow and become productive. Second, human resources function develops strategies to retain and engage workers in the organisation (Mesch, 2010). Employees stay committed to the firm and focus on delivering on its vision. According to Harper (2010, p. 27), “committed employees perform 20% better and are 87% less likely to leave the organization.” What this implies is workers’ attitude towards their job and the entire firm had a significant effect on loyalty and customer service as compared to all other employee elements combined. The HR creates an enabling environment for workers to speak frankly about what demotivates them than the immediate supervisor. Lastly, the HR function understand labour laws and statutes so it aids the company avoid potential labour drawbacks and disputes by creating effective operational policies.

Defend the truth of this statement: 2015 will be a transformational year for human resources within organizations of all sizes. Why? Why not?

It will be a transformational year because by 2015, all millennials (born between 1977 and 1997) will be legal adults, 18 years and above. It is also important to note that a significant percentage of them are in leadership positions in various organizations (Deloitte University Press, 2015). The group continues to increase its presence in the workforce and by 2030; it is expected to comprise 75% of the global workforce (Deloitte, 2014). In addition, a noteworthy percentage of the millennials make the contemporary client portfolio for most firms. According to Bersin (2015), millennials, as compared to their predecessors, have embraced technology and for this reason, HR will have to adjust its conventional approach to their regular tasks and responsibilities. For instance, they may adopt social and mobile platforms in training and development, change vacation periods, which become unlimited and centre on overall performance and not the time spent in the office, employ data analytics in employee recruitment, develop gamification tools and wearables for engagement, and utilize massive open online courses (MOOC) within the corporate circles.

Defend this statement: “The global business environment now makes human resources one of the few enduring sources of competitive advantage for many organizations.”

What this implies is human resources’ capabilities, experience, skillset, and commitment is what drives an organization and is the source of improved performance in a firm. The workforce interacts internally and externally with customers and other stakeholders; thus, it represents the face of an organization (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart & Wright, 2017). Companies attract, train, and retain a highly qualified workforce to perform excellently towards their growth and sustainability. Most importantly, competitors cannot copy this type of resource and such uniqueness makes it a competitive advantage. Besides training and development, firms build a quality workforce by motivating it (BerishaQehaja&Kutllovci, 2015). Thus, the ability of an organization to attain a competitive advantage is dependent on the level of investments it makes in its workforce.


Compare and contrast the universalistic configurationally and resource-based approaches to strategic human resource management.

The universalistic approach holds that there are individual human resources “best practices” that when adopted, company growth and performance will be affected positively. Such approaches are superior to others. The universalistic approach seeks adopt one particular bundle that would serve the entire organization (Fisher, Schoenfeldt& Shaw, 2006). On the other hand, the configurational SHRM practices are practices that contribute to superior performance when deployed in association with each other or the correct strategy. It holds that high-performance work practices on firm outcomes are dependent on the alignment between its internal and horizontal fit (Fisher, Schoenfeldt& Shaw, 2006). The configurational method is distinct from universalistic method because it does not emphasize a singular bundle of HR practices but several (Fisher, Schoenfeldt& Shaw, 2006). Furthermore, the resource-based view to SHRM holds that internal resources (people) form the beginning of company growth and success. Organizations gain competitive advantages when they own resources that are rare, valuable, and hard for competitors to duplicate (Fisher, Schoenfeldt& Shaw, 2006). The resource-based view is different from the rest because it focuses solely on building human capital for overall success.

List some benefits of strategic HR planning

It improves recruitment processes and procedures. Since strategic HR focuses on analysing existing employees, managers can use the knowledge to augment the recruitment effectiveness in their organizations (Fisher, Schoenfeldt& Shaw, 2006). Further, Leads to employee engagement. Planning ensures that the right resources are recruited and utilized optimally to enhance productivity, revenues, and growth (Mello, 2014). Additionally, existing employees are trained and motivated to deliver top-of-the-range performance (Fisher, Schoenfeldt& Shaw, 2006). Planning examines workforce discrepancies so that the right workforce with the appropriate qualifications is hired to fill the gaps and promote the organization (Fisher, Schoenfeldt& Shaw, 2006). It also boosts operational efficiency. Planning gives the company direction because it ensures all activities undertaken by employees are aligned with company goals and objectives (Fisher, Schoenfeldt& Shaw, 2006). This includes resources and budget requirements to ensure company objectives are met.

What are some of the changing demographics likely to affect employers between now and 2020?

Populations are aging but governments are increasing the retirement age to avert a strain on their pension schemes. For this reasons, employers are coming up with strategies to recruit and train and manage their benefits and health programmes (Monahan, 2013). Further, it could lead to workplace conflicts because the older generation may be seen as blocking the growth and progress of the younger generation (Fisher, Schoenfeldt& Shaw, 2006). Thus, employers should find approaches that would lessen such challenges.

The labour is increasingly becoming youthful that brings its own challenges. The generation Y and the millennials expect their employers to meet certain expectations, focus on short-term rather than long-term goals, look for a positive work-life balance, desire a creative and innovative climate, and look for quick career growth and progression (Fisher, Schoenfeldt& Shaw, 2006). By 2020 or even beyond, if employers do not provide an organizational climate that nurtures and grows the young talent, they will experience a significant turnover.



Are jobs becoming extinct in the traditional sense? If yes, why? If no, why not?

Yes. The conventional 9-5 jobs in offices that people get after passing through the education systems are gradually disappearing. Even though it may take time become extinct, technology has slowly played a role in the entire process. One needs a laptop computer and internet connection to work from any location around the world and at any time of the day. Furthermore, Mello (2014) affirms that different companies are rapidly employing virtual teams. Work-groups can work on a project while geographically separated. The shift from traditional sense of jobs is saving organizations costs in office space and other utilities and maximising productivity. Thus, some jobs will disappear in the next 20 years.

How do the advantages of quantitative job data compare with the advantages of qualitative job data?

The quantitative job data is factual and gathered using numeric techniques. Typically, a job is analysed and broken down into compensable units. Points are awarded on each unit basing on the data collected, and a pay structure put in place for the specific position (Performing Job Evaluations, 2016). The approach is advantageous because it allows for accurate internal job equity; meaning, the points for each job are combined and company value determined. The company also gets accurate compensation estimates against industry standards for a specific job. On the other hand, the qualitative assessment is subjective (Performing Job Evaluations, 2016). The approach ranks jobs based on estimates and not factual data. Therefore, they both come with solid estimates of a job.


In the context of discrimination laws, what is a protected class? Can someone who is not a member of protected class claim discrimination in employment?

The protected class is a group of persons that the law protects from being negatively affected by policies, rules, and procedures that may try discriminate against them due to the differences in natural features such as race, gender, and sexual orientation. State and the Federal laws both protect the groups (Miller, 2012). Unfortunately, those who do not fall under the protect class cannot be protected by the law. However, other laws may take precedence if a person who does not fall under the laws is discriminated against.

A co-worker of yours requests a leave under the Family Medical Leave Act to help her daughter who is expecting twins.  Should such a request be covered by the FMLA?  How should an employer respond?

The co-worker cannot take a leave and attend to the daughter unless they make a strong case. The FMLA does cover such requests. The FMLA law refers to a child as one who is under 18, 18, or older, and not in a position to take care of itself due to mental or physical disability at the start of the FMLA leave (Griffin, 2018). Nonetheless, the disability should meet the Americans with Disabilities Act’s standards. Not being able to take care of themselves implies the child is unable to handle daily activities such as bathing, washing, personal grooming, paying bills, using a telephone, or even shopping (Griffin, 2018). Basing on the co-worker’s argument, which implies that he or she has proof that the daughter is disabled and unable to take care of herself after delivering, the employer can decide whether to grant leave or not.



How is the reliability of employment-related tests determined?

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 forbids the use of employment-related tests that discriminate against gender, race, religion, or age (Pedriana& Stryker, 2004). Reliability implies that a specific test provides consistent outcomes over a period (Mathis, Jackson, Valentine &Meglich, 2017). When an individual takes the tests to day and repeats it in four months, it should yield similar results.

In what ways to you think the Human Resource function relates to an organization’s strategy?

The human resource is a source of competitive advantage for the contemporary companies. Thus, a company that expects to achieve its strategic goals and objectives should have a well-trained and motivated workforce (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart & Wright, 2017). Therefore, the human resource function contributes to company strategy through employee growth and advancement programmes, motivation, and reasonable compensation. It ensures that workers stay committed around the organization’s vision, mission, values, and strategy.

List several questions that should not be used on an employment application form, and state reasons why?

Age and date of birth. The information is sensitive and should not be asked because it does not contribute to the section decision. Further, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act protects workers above 40 years from any form of discrimination (Mello, 2014). The information can only be revealed after employment for pension plans.

Race, gender, religion, and citizenship. Such questions should be avoided on application forms and interviews (Mello, 2014). It protects people against any form of discrimination based on the elements mentioned above.

Discuss the role you think personality testing should play in selection for most jobs?

Personality testing aids in gaining a proper understanding of employees. Thus, it is ideal for job placements. Some jobs may require particular traits and personalities; hence, the company conducts personality tests to determine the teams they can join (Christiansen &Tett, 2013). Such workers will be in a position to perform with great success in teams they blend with and as a result, lowering potential turnover.













Christiansen, N., &Tett, R. (Eds.). (2013). Handbook of personality at work. Routledge.

Griffin, J. (2018 October 23). FMLA Leave for the Birth of a Grandchild. HR Source. Retrieved from

Mello, J. A. (2014). Strategic human resource management. Nelson Education.

Pedriana, N., & Stryker, R. (2004). The strength of a weak agency: Enforcement of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the expansion of state capacity, 1965–1971. American journal of sociology, 110(3), 709-760.

Deloitte University Press. (2015). Global Human Capital Trends 2015: Leading in the New World of Work. Retrieved from

Fisher, C. D., Schoenfeldt, L. F., & Shaw, J. B. (2006). Advanced human resource management. Houghton Mifflin

Performing Job Evaluations (2016, Oct 27). SHRM. Retrieved from

BerishaQehaja, A., &Kutllovci, E. (2015). The role of human resources in gaining competitive advantage. Journal of Human Resource Management (2015), 18(2), 47-61.

Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. M. (2017). Human resource management: Gaining a competitive advantage. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.


Last Updated on January 29, 2025

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