Research Paper
Topic: How the use of Marketing Analytics can Increase Organizational Growth
Please discuss how using marketing analytics can increase organizational growth. If this method is used properly, how can it help organizations to market products, services, brands, or organizations. The paper should include important facts, pros, and cons as to why marketing analytics is beneficial to companies.
- This assignment is worth 125 points.
- The paper must be formatted to APA guidelines (please review the APA 6th edition manual for compliance).
- Times New Roman 12 Font (Use of ANY other font will result in a reduction of points).
- The writing assignment must consist of a minimum of 10 pages, which includes a cover page, an abstract, and a references page. The use of complete sentences, proper grammar, spelling, and correct punctuation is required.
- Conduct research and discuss how using marketing analytics can increase organizational growth. The facts, pros, and cons are clearly explained.
- A minimum of 5 scholarly references in addition to the case study. Do not use Blogs or Wikipedia, etc. (Use of ANY blog will result in a reduction of points).