Honeypot setup

You are required to setup various honeypots and perform different cyberattacks e.g. SQL Injection, Denial-Of-Service and Buffer Overflow against them. The three Honeypots that should be setup are Honeyd, Kippo &Cowrie.

Honeypots should be installed in Kali Linuxon a virtual machine using VMware player or VirtualBox. You will need to produce a report detailing how you have accomplished this, which should contain the following points as a minimum:

Honeypot deployment:

A detailed description of your deployment process (for each honeypot), including yourown screenshots with detailed descriptions of what is occurring on each screenshot.
Explain each of the three honeypots in detail and how you felt during your journey deploying them, why you needed to do things a certain way, what was challenging etc.
List all the commands used in a separate section

Performing Cyber Attacks

Select and launch attacks that are relevant to each of the three honeypots and its vulnerabilities,describing how you have done this and what tools you have used (you need toinclude your own screenshots).
Also write an evaluation of each attack detailing the end result and process in getting there. How long it took to perform, the difficulty, what was needed etc.

Evaluating the cyber-attacks:

Describe and document the success of your cyber attacks and Include a comparison of all 3 honeypots at the end and evaluate them each.

• STAGE 4: Detailing the requirements:

Describe the requirements of each honeypot (so each of the three)
Describe the requirements to perform each of the attacks done (e.g. functional, non-functional requirements)


Everything that needs to be written about above must be done for all 3 honeypots

Minimum of 5 different attacks against each honeypot
Needs to be a step by step guide as to how each was setup and configured
Please screenshot and document everything this will help a lot
3000 to 4000 words minimum no plagiarism

I mention you should use VMware player or VirtualBox because I would like them to show in the screenshots you provide
Writing should be done in ‘Calibri body’, ‘font size 11’ and be ‘single spaced’.
I should be able to open up the virtual machines myself using vmware player

Last Updated on May 11, 2019

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