History of the body

History of the body


Q Are the approaches of Foucault and Porter to the theme of this module compatible?




It is very important that you give an accurate reference for each claim that you make. This must always be at least to the exact page (see examples below). For these particular tasks, the exact form of the referencing is unimportant; what does matter (in these as in all cases) is that you make it easy for the reader to find the passage to which you’re referring

Referencing can use abbreviations e.g.:

  • “Porter 410” for Porter p. 410
  • “Wesley viii para 11” for Wesley p. viii paragraph 11 [notice here that you should exploit the opportunity to give a more precise reference by specifying the paragraph-number]

Use footnotes for references. Sometimes you may be able to save a little on the word-count, if consecutive citations happen to be from the same source (e.g.: “Martin 112, 118, 120-21”)

No need for a bibliography


No need for external sources apart from the one given (Handout 2B)


Please direct the answer to the question


Show understanding of the content and argument of the materials                


There is no need for a formal “Introduction” or “Conclusion”. Nevertheless, the first few sentences should set things up for the reader (e.g. by analysing the question, or by outlining the structure of what’s to follow), and the final paragraph should round the exercise off in some way (e.g. by summarising what you’ve argued, or by delivering a punchline for which the reader has been suitably prepared).


Use of quotations: In each exercise, to demonstrate understanding you will have to put things in your own words. But to support your reading, you will also have to use quotations.












Last Updated on February 24, 2019

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