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Your Health Observations – Pain

M5 Your Health Observations – Pain

Begin a pain diary that lasts for at least a week. Many of your pains will be acute, but nearly everyone suffers from headaches, at least occasionally, and you may have other chronic pains, such as low back pain or pain from various injuries. As part of your pain diary, rate the intensity of your pain using the MPQ to record your pain. (See the Short-form McGill Pain Questionnaire, page 193.)

Record the time of day when the pain is most intense, and note environmental or psychosocial events that seem to relate to the pain’s onset. Next, describe your attempts to cope with the pain. Did you try to relax, take aspirin or other analgesic drugs, rest in bed, or use some other means to seek pain relief? How effective was this method? When you finish for the week, review your journal and make some predictions concerning when, where, or why a pain will return.

What do you think about self-reporting as it impacts perceived pain?

A reminder: You may compare ideas, assess the value of theories, verify evidence, and make choices based on reasoned arguments. While this assignment does not have a page requirements, please be sure to fully and completely elaborate on your thoughts and draw connections to the topics we are studying in detail. Cite your sources using APA format. APA style asks that your paper have 1 inch margins in addition to being double spaced and font should be Times New Roman 12.

Even though this journal is informal, that is it is not a paper, you still must address intellectual skills such as analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and application (see Bloom). I do not require a certain number of pages. I do require a complete review of the skills suggested and sources to back up your ideas.

Required Reading/Viewing

Brannon & Updegraff
Chapter 7- Understanding and Managing Pain
Chapter 8- Considering Alternative Approaches
McGill University. (Oct. 2010). Ronald Melzack: Pain Pioneer. (10:26)
Barnett, J. E., & Shale, A. J. (2012). The integration of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) into the practice of psychology: A vision for the future. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 43(6), 576-585.
Alternative versus Western Medicine. (03:26)
Please view this short video, and then visit Films on Demand and search for at least one other video on “alternative medicine.”
Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Health and Wellness: Illness Among Americans. Ed. Barbara Wexler. 2006 ed. Detroit: Gale, 2007. 177-192. Gale Virtual Reference Library.
Melzack, R. (1987). Short-form McGill Pain Questionnaire. Pain, 30(2), p. 191-197. [Questionnaire is found on p. 193.]
Supplementary Reading
The Relief of Pain and Suffering – an online exhibit that takes an historical look at pain, including historical figures in the area of pain research
Your Health Observations – Pain: For this assignment you will keep a one-week “pain diary.” See module assignment for specific information.

Last Updated on January 29, 2018

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