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HCase management module 7 discussion response

1.Posted by Takeesha HCase management module 7

For this reply, please focus on another pro/con for the scenario not previously mentioned in the initial post.

The first intervention may be to provide client and family with information on addiction treatment centers in the area including phone numbers and addresses

Pro-Client is able to manage or rid himself of drug addiction through treatment.Alternate ways to manage pain may be introduced.

Con- Client becomes angry and does not agree that he has a problem.He may be in denial of his addiction and suggesting treatment may increase his denial or ability to discuss the issue.

The second intervention may be to schedule client with grief counseling and provide client with informative pamphlets regarding the steps of grief.

Pro- Client agrees to participate. He identifies and addresses unresolved feelings regarding wife’s death.He Is able to see that some of his anger is a result of his grief.The counselor is able to work with him to reduce anger.

Con-He may be against therapy of any kind.Some cultures believe therapy is a sign of weakness.It also may be viewed as a lack of faith (Ward, Wiltshire,Detry, & Brown, 2013).As a result, he may not agree to therapy.

The third intervention is to schedule a family counseling session with client and family members.

Pro-Case manager will gain enough information to appropriately interview client.Will gain a better understanding of client’s behavior.Family and client are able to communicate about clients future living situation.

Con-Client may feel betrayed by family and case manager and refuse to consider any treatment or deny another contact.

Ward, E. C., Wiltshire, J. C., Detry, M. A., & Brown, R. L. (2013, June). African American men and women’s attitude toward mental illness, perceptions of stigma, and preferred coping behaviors. Retrieved November 27, 2019, from


  1. Posted by Willie HCase management module 7

For this reply, please focus on another pro/con for the scenario not previously mentioned in the initial post.

Earl, a 59-year-old male with early dementia, is addicted to opiate due to pain medication; he has lost his wife of 32 years, and he assaulted a family member recently. As Earl’s case manager, I would first try to find out more about the level of his on-setting dementia. I would seek to get him in control of his opiate addiction with an understanding that his addiction may not have been his fault, but it is his duty to get it under control through meetings or medication. Together we must know: Capability, Opportunity, Motivation model of change (COM-B) of the client to find his physical and psychological state (Waite, Poland, & Charlesworth, 2019). The Pros of knowing his capabilities, opportunities, and motivation desires for change with his dementia as he is forgetting things; therefore, it is good to start on a sure foundation of where the client is mentally. The Cons for this of (COM-B) is that Earl is not feeling well at all; therefore, his mental state is unclear while he is suffering from the grief of the lost of his wife of 32-years. As his manager, I would move to place Earl in grief counseling because his loss of a long-term relationship is a critical life event that can cause emotional, behavioral, and physical issues (Cicchetti, McArthur, Szirony, & Blum, 2016). The pros are counseling can head off suicidal action that will show up anywhere and with anyone like it may have with his relative assaulting, and he may fall into deeper drug addiction. The cons are getting no help and to remain in a grief-stricken state that will continue to destroy the client.


Cicchetti, R. J., McArthur, L., Szirony, G. M., & Blum, C. R. (2016). Perceived Competency in Grief Counseling: Implications for Counselor Education. Journal of Social, Behavioral & Health Sciences10(1), 3–17.

Waite, J., Poland, F., & Charlesworth, G. (2019). Facilitators and barriers to co‐research by people with dementia and academic researchers: Findings from a qualitative study. Health Expectations22(4), 761–771.


3.Posted by Monna JCase management module 8

Please reply to this post.

Intervention 1. Pro. One intervention I would use for anyone involved with the disease of addiction is a 12-step Christ centered recovery group called Celebrate Recovery (CR). People have hurts, habits and hang ups that cause them much pain. Oftentimes they run to and object to sublimate their pain. That object could be alcohol, drugs, gambling, women or men, our children or any thing else that drives us. When that object’s needs become out of control and your life is all about that you are in trouble. CR helps people put things in prospective. It helps them to realize their part in it. CR is for all types of issues not just addiction related. People come there for anger issues, fear, procrastination, and other issues. Go to the Celebrate Recovery web cite and check it out for yourself. CR can help the whole family. Con. CR is not for everybody. It is Christ centered. Not everyone is willing to do a 12-step program (Administrator. n.d.). In this case, I would recommend NA or AA. However, 12-step programs do not work for everyone.

Intervention 2. Pro. Counseling sessions for six weeks with a one on one counselor. This followed by an evaluation to see if there is any progress being made. If more sessions are needed, then I would order them. One would hope that between the 12-step program and the private counseling session there would be progress. Con. The client might not cooperate with the counseling because he or she is too disagreeable. If this is a problem, then maybe an inpatient mental health stay might help. It is always possible that the client will reject every attempt for help.

Administrator. (n.d.). History of Celebrate Recovery. Retrieved from


4.Posted by Breanna P. Pre Capstone module 7.1

Reply must be of at least 75 word

The Pre-Capstone class officially ends on December 14, and the Official start date of the Spring Capstone begins on January 12, 2020. During the winter break I plan on completing the background screen needed to complete my capstone project at the facility at which I will be working with. I will be able to easily keep in contact with my mentor because we currently work at the same facility. Although my mentor and I do not work in the same department, we do occasionally see each other in meetings throughout the facility. I will keep her updated and in contact with her via email during the school break. I will also begin prepping for my capstone by searching for research, and current data for my project. I look forward to beginning my project in the spring, and I am excited to work with my mentor as I believe she will bring different ideas to the project.


5.Posted by Bethany YPre Capstone module 7.1

Reply must be of at least 75 word

I feel the best way to keep in contact with my mentor is through email. Before the course starts, I will remind my mentor of the dates I will working with him. I will send out weekly updates of what I am doing and ask what they need done at that time. I will also come up with a plan, and a timeline we can work together with and change as need be. I know that I have a project to complete, but I also realize my mentor has also has a job to be done. I will reach out every Monday with this information, so this allows my mentor to update me whenever is best for him throughout the week. We will also decide when I will need to be at the mentor site to do hands on work. These on-site dates will also give me time to meet with the other departments within the facility, since my project will receive information from multiple departments. I look forward to starting my Capstone!


6.Posted by Alyssa B Pre Capstone module 7.2

Reply must be of at least 75 word

Well, I would really hope that my mentor will not back out. However, I do not believe that this would be the end of my Capstone experience. There are other people that could do this project. I worry all the time, but I have realized that there is always another door to open when one door shuts.
If my mentor wants to change the project, that’s okay. Change is a real event that happens every day in life. I am there to benefit from the knowledge of my mentor. If my mentor has a different plan, then I need to accept that and reevaluate my contract and my project.
Communication is the best way to deal with difficult people or situations. It is essential to be kind, patient, and understanding. Most conflicts can be resolved with positive communication. I have dealt with a lot of tricky situations, and I am sure that I can work through any complications that might arise.


7.Posted by Chelseea EPre Capstone module 7.2

Reply must be of at least 75 word

My mentor recently was unexpectedly out of the office for a week and a few days for a family emergency just when I finally completed my final learning contract draft. Although the Capstone course is not about shadowing with the mentor, I felt as though maybe she would not be able to assist me when needed, however she quickly eased my concerns. She had her assistant reach out to me via email and informed me that she has not forgotten about me and that I can still ask her any questions while she’s out even though her response may not be given quickly. I loved that about her and I believe that if she was to back out at the last minute she would not leave me in the dark, I am sure she would have another mentor to fill her space. Now on the other hand, if she wanted to change anything that we already agreed upon on the Capstone course, I will definitely hear her out, but I would also express my concerns of changing at the last minute. In the end, dealing with difficult people and or situations is not something that I’d like to be involved with but the best strategies that I utilize when I experience these situations is remaining calm and understand the individuals intentions.


8.Posted by Dawn F.Pre Capstone module 8.1

Reply must be of at least 75 word

In this weeks discussion post, we are to describe our plan from the end of the Pre-Capstone course to the beginning of the Capstone semester. My intention during this period is to begin some of the preliminary work since a capstone project typically is a large, demanding, and complicated process that requires planning (Wood, n.d). One of my goals during this period would be to begin gathering data and literature that will help support my objectives outlined in my learning contract. In addition to this, I plan to meet with my mentor to review what her schedule will be over the Capstone semester and what may be optimal days and times to plan on working on my project. Because she and I work within the same company, I am fortunate to be able to maintain frequent contact with her both during the semester break as well as throughout the Capstone semester.


Wood, K. (n.d). How to earn a stress free A on your capstone paper. Retrieved from


9.Posted by Dawn F. Pre Capstone module 8.2

In this weeks discussion post we were asked to describe the process we used for finding a mentor for our Pre-Capstone and Capstone semesters. When looking for a mentor, the candidate should be a good listener, have an interest in the students professional future, and be presently working in the students field of interest (Smith-Barrow, 2013). In my case, my mentor fit all of the above. When beginning the thought process of selecting a mentor, only one individual came to mind. My project consists of patient experience quality measures, metrics, and initiatives. Within my division, we have a quality officer whose primary role is to focus and report on these areas, so she came to mind immediately. She has a true passion for the patient experience and how it relates to quality as well as many years of experience working on continual analysis and process improvement. Because of this I am very excited to work with her during my Capstone project and learn from her vast knowledge.


Smith-Barrow, D. (2013). Find a career mentor in college. Retrieved from


Last Updated on December 13, 2020

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