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General Microbiology Lab Make-up

Lab Make-up

General Microbiology

Exercise 1 (Microbes from Natural Sources):

Choose 3 microbes commonly found on raw meat and poultry and write a report for each. Be sure to include the following information for each microbe.

Also see: Diversity, Benefits and Detriments of Microbes Microbiology

  • Microbe Name
  • Disease Caused
  • Medical Treatment
  • Pathogenicity Factors (what microbe does to make a person sick)
  • Immune Response

The report must be single spaced, use Calibri font, and have margins no larger than one inch. Also, be sure to not plagiarize information.

Exercise 2 (Handwashing):

Write a two page report on why the FDA banned antibacterial additives commonly used in over-the-counter soaps. The report must be single spaced, use Calibri font, and have margins no larger than one inch. Also, be sure to not plagiarize information.

Exercise 3 (Cell Morphology):

Write a one page report describing at least 3 careers in microbiology that may be obtained with a Bachelor of Science degree in Microbiology. Write a one page report describing at least 3 careers in microbiology that may be obtained with a Master of Science degree in Microbiology. Write a one page report describing at least 3 careers in microbiology that may be obtained with a PhD in Microbiology. For each career, be sure to include the following information.

  • Salary
  • Job expectations (what the person would do in that position)
  • Type of companies would hire that person
  • Other skills would be needed in the position

The report must be single spaced, use Calibri font, and have margins no larger than one inch. Also, be sure to not plagiarize information.

Exercise 4 (Simple stain and microscopy)

Write a two-page report on the types of microscopy used in microbiology. Be sure to include the follow microscope types.

  • Fluorescent
  • SEM
  • TEM
  • Inverted
  • Polarizing
  • Scanning probe
  • Super resolution

The report must be single spaced, use Calibri font, and have margins no larger than one inch. Also, be sure to not plagiarize information.

Exercise 5 (Gram Stain)

Write a two page report on Hans Christian Gram (Danish bacteriologist). Be sure to include the information on his development of the Gram stain in the report. The report must be single spaced, use Calibri font, and have margins no larger than one inch. Also, be sure to not plagiarize information.

Last Updated on March 11, 2021

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