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Gas injection project in Oman

Option #2: Gas injection project in Oman

Read the gas injection project case:

Khadem, M., Piya, M., & Shamsuzzoha, R. (2018). Quantitative risk management in gas injection project (Links to an external site.): A case study from Oman oil and gas industry. Journal of Industrial Engineering International, 14(3), 637-654

  1. Examine the project management issues detailed in the case, including those concerning procurement, contracts, and risk management.
  2. In no more than one page, give an overview of the case and the project management issues to be covered in more detail.
  3. Discuss, in logical order, the following topics/questions: (Note: You must determine the logical order of these topics; you will be graded on this requirement. See the grading rubric in this week’s folder.)
    • Who are the stakeholders?
    • What are the risks with highest risk levels and the major risks impacting the project’s cost
    • What risk responses do you think will be effective in treating the project risks identified (provide a minimum of five risk response strategies)
    • What are the other project risks?
    • Describe the Monte Carlo method used in the case study and describe its benefits from the risk quantification and analysis perspective


  • Write a paper addressing the project discussed in the case study, answering the questions listed above. Your paper should be 8 pages in length, not including the required title and references pages and the appendix.
  • Discuss the likelihood of project completion within particular time frames as elaborated in the case study and explain how the model helped in findings these likelihoods.
  • Support your paper with a minimum of three to four scholarly sources from the CSU-Global Library (no older than five years). In addition, you may use any course textbooks or lecture material.
  • Format your entire paper according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing & APA (Links to 


Last Updated on April 4, 2020

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