Research a fortune 500 corporation, and describe the IT services mentioned in their annual report, and what these service will do to assist them in their strategic plan. Show the resources used for this report |
Discussion 1- Research a fortune 500 corporation, and describe the IT services mentioned in their annual report, and what these service will do to assist them in their strategic plan. Show the resources used for this report
Discussion 3- Research a fortune 500 company ( not one that you have researched before ), and post their vision statement, and what the IT departments strategic plan should include to meet that vision statement. Show the reference used for this report.
Discussion 3- Create a post stating the IT services that would be required to support a financial institution ( list at least 5 services ). list the services in order of priority, Then list the stratigic initiatives required to implement these services.
Discussion 4- Research a corporation not one that you have researched before From the products and services they provide determine the top two Strategic initiatives they would have.then list the IT services that would assist in these two initiatives ( show the references used