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Forest Resources in US History

WDSC 100 Assignment 4 (possible 25 points)


Concisely answer the following questions from the Forest Resources in US History text, Chapter 10 – 12


  1. The text describes General Ulysses S. Grant as a master of transportation, communication, and supply; name two (2) new technologies the North employed under his command, and how were they used?




  1. When was Gettysburg battlefield taken into Federal ownership? Which government organization initially administered the battlefield? Who administers it now?




  1. Briefly describe each of the following:
    1. Monroe Doctrine –
    2. The Preemption Act of 1841 –
    3. The Homestead Act of 1862 –
    4. Forest Reserve Act of 1891 –



  1. What year were the following established:
    1. Yellowstone –
    2. National Park Service –
    3. the West Virginia Agricultural College –





Last Updated on October 29, 2019

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