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Financial Data Analytics Case

Writing Assignment 2


  1. Select an industry that you are interested in, and then pick two companies in that industry. Download their most updated financial statements. In your report, describe where you downloaded the financial statements.
  2. Conduct analysis on their current liabilities, long-term liabilities, stockholders’ equity, EPS, and cash flows.
  3. Make a comparison of the two companies based on the analysis you did in step 2, and comment on the two companies in terms of your findings from step 2 about their financial conditions and operational performance.
  4. Write a research report, and make a recommendation as to which company is more promising for investors. You may want to pay attention to the format, the clarity of your analytics, and your expression of the findings, etc.
  5. Write your report within 3 pages (Single space and 12 font).
  6. Deadline: refer to syllabus.


Last Updated on December 29, 2019

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