Final Psychology Exam
Carefully read in full Rachel Aviv’s article in The New Yorker (posted to Blackboard) and choose any 5 questions to answer. Answer each question in 1-2well-written paragraphs, referring to both the Aviv article and readings/materialsfrom the syllabus.Be detailed and specific in your responses.Complete this final take-home exam on your own (please do not collaborate).
You can use any of the assigned course materials on the syllabus—chapters from the textbook, as well as articles, videos, and podcasts posted to Blackboard. When using references, be very specific and detailed and clearly cite your references for credit. The textbook was our central text throughout the semester, so be sure to refer to it thoughtfully whenever relevant. Each question is worth up to 20 points (see rubric below). The final is due THURSDAY April 18thby email.
Some additional details:
• Be sure to label which question you are addressing. Using the question number is fine, or else copy the question before your response.
• Be sure to put your name on the top of the document.
• Please SAVE your final as a WORD document. Save it as LAST NAME, Section #, FINAL EXAM
• Please email the document to me the deadline, with the subject line as follows:
QUESTION (choose any 5):
1. How would you devise an empirical research study on whether compulsory treatments would help people like Linda, who refuse treatment for symptoms of schizophrenia? What ethical concerns would you need to be mindful of in devising and conducting such a study? (refer to Aviv article, the textbook, and class notes on research methods.)
2. In the farmhouse, Linda is almost totally isolated. Use Winnicott’s theory of “transitional objects” to discuss how she managed the anxiety of being all alone. (refer in a detailed way to both Aviv’s and Winnicott’s articles. You can use any other sources from the syllabusin addition if you would like).
3. How would Nelson (2005) make sense of Linda’s crying when she sees the Christmas lights from her window? (please refer to the chapter from Nelson’s book—on Blackboard—and any other sources from the syllabus in a detailed way in your discussion).
4. How might theories and studies of learning help to explain Linda’s aversion to treatment?(Use at least two references from the syllabus in a detailed way in making your points.)
5. How would you describe Linda’s personality using the Big 5-Factor Model? (Be sure to refer at least to boththe Aviv article and the textbook chapter. You can refer to any other materials from the syllabus in addition if you would like.)
6. Linda has schizophrenia, but she has a number of positive strengths in her personality. This suggests that she has had some very positive experiences in early and adolescent development. How could you use the readings on development, andatheory of personality (Freud, Winnicott, Kohut, Mitchell) to understand how Linda has developed a resilient personality despite so many difficulties?
7. How might you understand Linda’s symptoms using the course materialsrelated tobothneurobiology and psychological problems?
8. The author of the article describes how people in psychiatric institutions for a long period of time can seem to lose their identities and learn to be “perfect mental patients—dull, unmotivated, and helpless.” How could you understand this observation using materials from the syllabus related tobothlearning and social psychology?