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Executive Summary and Analysis

  • In this assignment, you will identify the characteristics of Smith Community Hospital and the departments that will be affected with the updated IT Infrastructure.
    • Provide an overview of the hospital’s characteristics and structure. For example:
      • Identify and describe the location of the hospital.
      • Describe the demographics of hospital, including:
        • The general details about the hospital. For example, is it a public or private hospital, is it an outpatient or inpatient hospital, a standalone hospital or is it connected to a hospital system, and so on.
        • The size of hospital, number of beds.
        • Who the hospital serves.
        • The specializations are of the hospital. For example, a children’s hospital or a general type of hospital.
        • Other types of services the hospital provides.
        • How long the hospital has been operating; and in what capacity?
    • Analyze and describe the organizational structure of the hospital system. Include:
      • The mission and vision of the hospital.
      • The departments within the hospital and their responsibilities.
    • Analyze and describe the clinical services of the hospital. For example, what are its special, primary, secondary, and tertiary services?
    • Analyze and recommend areas for improvement. Include recommendations for the following departments and areas:
      • Administration.
      • Operations.
      • Clinical.
      • Compliance.
      • Information Technology systems—hardware, software, and telecommunication systems.

Use the Smith Community Hospital interactive to complete this assignment.

Provide a detailed overview of a health care setting.
Does not provide an overview of a health care setting.Provides a basic overview of a health care setting.Provides a detailed overview of a health care setting.Provides a detailed overview of a health care setting and examines the efficiency and organization of the setting.
Analyze the organizational structure of a hospital system.
Does not describe the organizational structure of the hospital system.Describes, but does not analyze, the organizational structure of the hospital system.Analyzes the organizational structure of the hospital system.Analyzes the organizational structure of the hospital system and examines the efficiency of the structure
Analyze the clinical services of a hospital.
Does not describe the clinical services of the hospital.Describes, but does not analyze the clinical services of the hospital.Analyzes the clinical services of the hospital.Analyzes the clinical services of the hospital and examines the efficiency of the structure.
Recommend areas where technological solutions should be implemented. 
Does not recommend where to implement technological solutions.Identifies technological solutions but is not clear on where these can be implemented.Recommends areas where technological solutions should be implemented.Recommends areas where technological solutions should be implemented and evaluates the possible positive and negative outcomes.


Last Updated on July 19, 2019

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