Ethical Treatment and Safety– Instructions
Write a 5-page research paper on regulatory compliance and patient safety in health care administration.
• Competency: Analyze the application of the law to a health organization.
o Identify issues surrounding current trends in patient safety.
o Identify regulatory compliance in health care organizations.
o Identify instances of noncompliance in health care organizations.
Competency: Address the legal responsibility of a health organization.
o Analyze solutions to patient safety problems in health care organizations.
o Discuss patients’ rights and a health care organization’s obligations toward patient contracts.
o Discuss the importance of patients’ rights regarding contracts.
Competency: Address the legal aspects of common health care contracts.
o Discuss measures to remedy instances of noncompliance in health care organizations.
o Discuss the ethical responsibility of health care organizations toward patient contracts.
Competency: Analyze the implications of the regulatory environment on practice.
o Assess the role of a health manager in maintaining compliance and reducing litigation risk.
Required Resources:
Flanders, S. A., Kaufman, S. R., Saint, S., & Parekh, V. I. (2009).Hospitals as emerging leaders in patient safety: Lessons learned and future directions. Journal of Patient Safety, 5(1), 3–8.(See attached article)
Combine both parts into one research paper to submit.
Part 1
When writing this part of your assessment, include the following elements:
• Regulatory compliance in health care organizations.
• Instances of noncompliance in health care organizations.
• Measures to remedy instances of noncompliance in health care organizations.
• Patients’ rights and a health care organization’s obligations toward patient contracts.
• The importance of patients’ rights regarding contracts.
• The ethical responsibility of health care organizations toward patient contracts.
Part 2
In preparation for this part of your assessment, read Flanders, Kaufman, Saint, and Parekh’s 2009 article, “Hospitals as Emerging Leaders in Patient Safety: Lessons Learned and Future Directions,” which is provided in a separate email attachment. Then, address the following:
• Has patient safety in America improved over the past few decades?
• What are the major patient safety issues in America’s hospitals?
• How does patient safety in America compare with that of similar nations?
• What can policy makers and health managers do to improve patient safety?
It is also recommended that you do some personal keyword research on topics such as bioethics.
Additional Requirements
• Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
• APA formatting: References and citations should be formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.
• Resources: Use a minimum of 4 references.
• Paper length: Your assessment should be 5 typed, double-spaced pages.
• Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.
Please provide sub-titles for each of the following:
• Analyzes issues surrounding current trends in patient safety and their causes.
• Analyzes solutions to patient safety problems in health care organizations and recognizes stakeholders
• Assesses the role of a health manager in maintaining compliance and reducing litigation risk and identifies resources available to the manager.
• Analyzes regulatory compliance in health care organizations and the stakeholders involved with regulatory compliance.
• Analyzes instances of noncompliance in health care organizations and the stakeholders responsible for noncompliance.
• Analyzes measures to remedy instances of noncompliance in health care organizations and which stakeholders can enact such measures.
• Analyzes measures to remedy instances of noncompliance in health care organizations and which stakeholders can enact such measures.
• Analyzes the importance of patients’ rights regarding contracts and consequences of violating contracts.
• Analyzes the ethical responsibility of health care organizations toward patient contracts and the consequences of ethical violations.