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Essay on The Rise and Fall of Four Loko

Philosophy Business Ethics Essay on The Rise and Fall of Four Loko 

Your essay should consist in total of approximately three double-spaced pages in 14-point font, with no more than one-inch margins. (Not three pages per question, but three pages in total.)

Then study the third Canvas module, entitled, “Advice About How to Write a Good Philosophy Paper”.Make sure you are aware of the rules about how to format your paper and how to cite sources in your essay. They are in the section entitled, “Rules about Footnotes”.

Last but not least, re-read chapter how to construct a Moral argument.


Once you’ve done all this, you’re ready to start working on your essay. Begin by reading the material from section 6-6 of Chapter 6 that is entitled, “Case 6.5 The Rise and Fall of Four Loko”. Making online notes for yourself as you go along will help you understand and retain the material better.


Organize your essay into three sections as follows. Please number and label each section and sub-section. As you can see, the questions are based on the “Discussion Questions” found at the end of Case 6.5.


The Rise and Fall of Four Loko Section 1.

Section 1 should be about one-half to one pages in lengthin toto.

Sub-section 1a.On the basis of your own research, answer the followingfour questions about what Four Loko is doing today. Answer each question in its own paragraph.


  • What drinks is Four Loko marketing today?
  • What is their marketing strategy?
  • How are the drinks they are marketing today different from or the same as the drinks that got them in trouble in 2010?
  • Has their marketing changed at all? If so, how?


In this sub-section, you are required to draw on outside research you have done either through Questia or from other sources that you judge to be “credible” based on the information in the “Reading and Writing Tutorials”.

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Sub-section 1b. Provide your own assessment about whether this drink really was as dangerous as its critics alleged. Be sure to explain why or why not. Here again, you are required to answer on the basis of your own research.


Section 2.

Section 2 should be about one page in lengthi n toto.

Sub-section 2a.Is the banning of Four Loko and kindred beverages an example of legal paternalism?[Hint: always begin your answer to a question like this by defining key terms. Base your definition of legal paternalism on the book’s discussion of this concept in Chapter 6.]


Sub-section 2b. Is legal paternalism a legitimate moral principle, in your opinion? Why or why not? In this sub-section you should draw on what you have read in this chapter and on your own ideas about ethics. Some outside research, particularly through Questia, may be helpful in deepening your own thinking about ethics here. In this sub-section outside research is encouraged, but not required.

four loko case study

The Rise and Fall of Four Loko Section 3.

In section 3, as in section 2, you should draw on what you have read in this chapter and on your own ideas about ethics. In this section of your essay, some outside research, particularly through Questia, may also be helpful in deepening your own thinking about ethics. This outside research is encouraged, but not required. Section 3 should be one to one-and-a-half pages in lengthin toto.


Sub-section 3a. In your judgment, in general what moral responsibilities do the manufacturers of alcoholic beverages have? Why?


In this sub-section you are presenting and defending the basic moral principles that you think apply to these manufacturersBe sure to structure your answer according to what you have learned about constructing and defending moral principles in chapter 1 section 8c.



Sub-section 3b. Based on what you have said in sub-section 3a, answer the following questions. Answer each question in its own paragraph.

  • What specific steps, if any, are the makers of alcoholic beverages morally required to take in order to meet their moral responsibilities?
  • Did Four Loko fall down in this respect in 2010? Explain.

The Rise and Fall of Four Loko Essay

Last Updated on August 1, 2020

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