This essay asks you to write about the process of adapting the Globalization Essay focusing on these aspects:
- What design elements did you end up using?
- How did you balance those elements out to create a convincing argument?
- How were these elements targeting a specific audience?
- What did you learn from this process? How does the media you used use rhetorical appeals differently?
Essay on Integration in Tourism Industry
Compose an essay that responds directly to the above prompt and turn it in online to this assignment
Additionally, you should be sure your essay…
- Contains a thesis, or central idea that:
- takes a clear position responding to the above prompt
- makes a clear and direct point that will be demonstrated by the body paragraphs of your essay
- is the last sentence of an introductory paragraph that provides adequate background information about the school and it’s definition of happiness
- Addresses a well-educated audience, familiar with writer/designer, quoting as you see fit.
- Uses what we’ve learned so far about essay and paragraph structure to organize your ideas.
- Is formatted using MLA citation style including a heading; header; 12-point, Times New Roman font; 1″ margins; and is double spaced.
- Includes a “works cited page” (Does not count toward word length of essay)
- Is thoroughly proofread and relatively free of errors in grammar, spelling, and mechanics.
- Video on formatting in MLA style
Google Docs – Setup your MLA Format Essay | New 2018 Features (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. - The Purdue OWL MLA style guide (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
The essay must respond to this specific prompt in order to get credit. It must also be handed in both in person and uploaded to this assignment or it will not be graded. Only .docx or .pdf file types will be accepted.
Process of adapting the Globalization Essay