Essay about a dye

NATS 1870 N: Assignment 2

Write an Essay About a Dye of your choice: Anything but Mauveine (we have discussed this in class)

For this assignment, you are asked to write a 4-5
page essay (double spaced, 10-12 point font) on a
specific dye of your choice.
In this essay, you will describe:
the discovery (if known) of your dye
the type of dye (i.e. of the 4 types we’ve
how the chemistry of the dyeing process
with this dye works.
Include discussions of the following:
a general description of how dyeing occurs at
the molecular level
if a mordant must be used with this dye and
why (1-3 sentences)
why varying the acidity of the dyebath
affects the final colour (1-3 sentences)


Discuss all chemical processes that occur at a molecular level. You will need to research this section. Include all references in proper format (e.g APA), and quote sourced material appropriately (please do not plagiarize. No word for word copying from sources.) You should include in-text citations for facts. Make sure you proofread your work (or have someone proofread it for you.) You may use headings or subtitles if this assists you in organizing your essay.

For assistance with how to make general citations, see:


You will need to include 2 images with your essay. You must properly cite and give the urls of where
images were found.

Image 1: a diagram of the molecular structure of your dye (i.e. your dye molecule)
Image 2: an photo of your choice of a practical application of the dye, i.e. dyed clothing or product


A summary of your instructions are as follows:
write an 4-5 page essay about a specific dye that appeals to you NOT MAUVEINE!
Include 2 images: 1 of the dye molecule structure, 1 of applied usage of the dye


type of dye (i.e. natural organic, natural inorganic, synthetic organic, synthetic inorganic)
(approximate) date of ‘invention’ / ‘discovery’ of dye & discoverer (if known)
original uses
modern uses
spin-off science (if any)
pictures with references of where images were obtained / image credit


Last Updated on June 28, 2021

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