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ESL Project

BLS 601_Rough Draft – ESL Project Outline
Rough outline (at least 2-page outline only)

BLS 601: FINAL PROJECT Guidelines – FALL 2017
For your final project, you will develop an ESL program that utilizes the concepts read and discussed regarding the TESOL Standards. Below are the objectives and expectations:
1) To synthesize your experience and knowledge about the TESOL standards
2) To apply TESOL standards to a hypothetical educational situation (K-12 or other)
3) To select a specific audience (grade/ed. Level) and apply the TESOL standards for learners of that audience
4) To create a program philosophy that describes outcomes for the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing across the five TESOL levels
Required length: Minimum length is eight (8) pages, double-spaced.
Content: 1) Focus on describing your audience (i.e., grade level). What are their needs at that age? What is the student’s school community like? What are the students’ home languages? How will these impact on your decisions for ESL program design?
2) Use at least three (3) outside sources to support WHY you have designed your program for this audience (find experts who have done research on this audience).
• So, this project should be less of a “diagram” of standards (like the one we see in the TESOL book) and more of a rich description of your activities and the RATIONALE for designing the activities for your grade level.
• Also, if you want to do a content area (such as science, social studies, etc.), that is fine but focus on how language will be used across the skills and TESOL levels in that content area.

Last Updated on June 16, 2019

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