

• What are main environmental issues of your chosen aspect/topic?

• Are there any debates in society?

• What are possible policy recommendations and solutions?

Your Research Might Be Useful for
•City government
•Public awareness

• Introduction (a “roadmap for the reader,” about 1 page)

• Detailed overview/description of your issue, the debate in society (if applicable) •Economic, policy, and scientific evidence

• Conclusions and policy recommendations (about 1 page)

•Works cited (minimum 15 sources, APA citation style)

Use All Six Categories of Sources 1. Academic peer-reviewed articles 2. Think-tanks, research institutes, advocacy, grassroots organization or another NGOs 3. International Institutions (e.g., the World Bank, IEA, OECD, the UN, etc.) 4. U.S. Government or another country’s government sources (federal, state, or local) 5. Business sources 6. Major newspapers and magazines (the Economist, the NY Times, etc.)

Examples of Think Tanks and NGOs

• Greenpeace

• WWF — World Wildlife Fund

• The Brookings Institution

• Global Green USA


• The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace • Foundations (e.g., Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, etc.)

Last Updated on March 16, 2020

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