Elementary Microbiology – Biol 2060
As pre-health professionals, you have the opportunity to apply concepts you learn in this course to the study of a particular pathogen. Each of
you will choose a pathogenic species to research. It may be chosen from the list below, or approved by the instructor. Your report will be
presented in both written and oral format, and should contain the information provided in the guidelines below. Keep in mind that some of the
information may not be available for some pathogens. The written report will be APA referenced, 3-8 pagesand double spaced (approximately 750 to
2400 words). The oral presentation will be presented during the last week of the course in PowerPoint format. The oral presentation will be no
longer than 10 minutes and will be graded by your peers. All disease information will be considered as exam material for the final exam.
Written and oral reports will be graded according to guideline material, flow, citing and referencing, and correct grammar and spelling as
described in the Assignment Rubric. You are required to take a draft of your written report to the Writing Center in Vernal, Roosevelt or online
for constructive criticism to improve your writing and citations. Evidence of your discussion with the staff member (written form provided for
face-to-face visit, or copy of feedback email for electronic “visit”) is required. See the lecture schedule for due dates for 1) evidence of a
visit to the Writing Center, and 2) final draft. I will deduct 10% per day after the due date, so don’t be late! This should be an enjoyable
exercise, so get started early!
See the Assignment Rubric for expectations and grading criteria.
Documentation of Writing center visit 25 points
Final written report to be shared with classmates 100 points
Oral presentation 75 points
Total 200 points
Written Report:
• 3-8 pages double spaced (750 – 2400 words)
• APA-style citations
• Evidence of visit to Writing Center is required (see lecture schedule for due date)
Oral Presentation: to be presented to classmates during last week of classes
• PowerPoint not to exceed 10 minutes
Content Guidelines (not necessarily presented in this order):
1. Name and describe the pathogenic species (the etiological agent of a disease)
a. Show or draw image showing structure of the microbe.
b. To what group of life does it belong? (Is it a Bacteria, an Archaea, a virus, a protozoan…?)
c. Describe how it is distinguished from other members of its group.
2. Name and describe the infectious disease(s) it causes.
3. Transmission
a. Name the reservoir (source of infection).
b. Describe the mode of transmission (see CH 14).
c. Include any other information related to the dynamics of transmission.
4. Pathogenesis (how the disease develops)
a. Describe the following stages of pathogenesis:
i. Portal of entry into host organism
ii. Attachment
iii. Avoiding host defenses
iv. Damage to tissues (Describe the toxin produced if any. Is it an endotoxin or an exotoxin?)
v. Portal of exit
b. Name the tissue(s) that is affected and explain why. (Think about the attachment and damage stages above.)
c. Relate the disease symptoms and signs to the activities of the pathogen.
5. Describethe clinical manifestations of the disease.
a. incubation time
b. signs and symptoms
c. diagnosis
d. how presumptive and confirmed identifications are made
e. preferred treatment and how it works.
6. Describe any preventative measures like behavior or vaccination
7. Include human interest items (social, cultural, economic or historical) associated with the disease(s) caused by this microbe. Be
creative! Some ideas to add interest:
a. a case study
b. social and economic impacts
c. development of treatments / drugs
d. personal experience
e. personal reflection
f. how disease was first identified (history)
g. epidemics (see MMWR for local information and cases)
Research Sources:
Use reliable information in the form of YOUR TEXT BOOK, course material, journal articles, reference books and web sites. You are STRONGLY urged
to visit the following web site created by USU librarian Betty Rozum. The site will guide you in evaluating the reputation of web-based health
resources, and in citing and referencing in the required APA style. There are three tab with information:
• Evaluating Sources
• Reputable Sources for Medical Information
• Citing Sources
Thank you Betty!
“Microbiology: Nursing Resources (Uintah Basin)” at: http://libguides.usu.edu
List of SuggestedPathogens:
This is not meant to be an all inclusive list. Pathogen choices must be OK’d by the instructor.
• Bacillus anthracis • Clostridium botulinum
• Clostridium perfringens • Enterohemorrhagic Eschericia coli
• Pseudomonas aerugniosa • Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli
• Staphylococcus aureus • Listeria nomocytogenes
• Tricohyton species • Salmonella species
• Shigella species
NERVOUS SYSTEM • Staphylococcus aureus
• Prions • Cryptosporidium parvum
• Poliovirus • Hepatitis A virus
• Rotavirus
URINARY & REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEMS • Entamoeba histolytica
• Chlamydia trachomatis • Giardia lamblia
• Neisseria gonorrhoeae
• Treponema pallidum RESPIRATORY SYSTEM
• Human papillomaviruses • Bordetella pertussis
• Chlamydia pneumoniae
ZOONOTIC & VECTOR BORNE • Corynebacterium diptheriae
• Bacillus anthracis • Stroptocuccus pyogenes
• Borrelia burgdorferi • Legionella pneumophila
• Frencisella tularensis • Mycobacterium tuberculosis
• Rickettsia rickettsii • Mycoplasma pneumoniae
• Rickettsia prowazekii • Adenovirus
• Yersinia pestis • Respiratory syncytial virus
• Dengue virus • Rhinovirus
• Hantavirus • Rubella virus
• Yellow fever virus • Varicella-zoster virus
• Hantavirus
• Influenza virus (A,B, and C, D)
• Mumps virus
Choose a disease of interest to you and have fun with your research!
Elementary Microbiology- Infectious Disease ReportAssignment Rubric
ScoreLevels Content
(50%) Conventions
(Spelling, grammar, etc.)
(25%) Organization
(25%) Oral Presentation
(masterful, thorough) Is well thought out and includes all possible components of the assignment guidelines
Reflects application of critical thinking
Has clear focusthat is related to the topic
Is pulled from a variety of sources
Is accurate
Captures interest of a general audience No spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors
High-level use of vocabulary and word choice
References are cited correctly in MLA style
Written portion double spaced and falls within page limits Information is clearly focused and supports the topic in a
thoughtful manner.
Information is presented in a logical pattern. Multimedia is used to clarify and illustrate the main points. (Illustrations,
graphs, etc.)
Format enhances the content.
Captures audience attention.
Is organized and well laid out.
Completed within allotted time.
(partial, somewhat, adequate) Includes all components of the assignment guidelines
Has application of critical thinking that is apparent
Has clear focus
Is pulled from a limited number of sources
Has some factual errors or inconsistencies Minimal (3 to 5) spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors
Low-level use of vocabulary and word choice
A good faith attempt to use MLA-style citations.
Written portion double spaced and falls within page limits Report has a focus but might stray from it at times.
Information appears to have apattern, but the pattern is not consistently carried out.
Information loosely relates to the topic. Multimedia loosely illustrates the main points.
Format does not suit the content.
Does not capture audience attention.
Presentation is loosely organized.
Lasted beyond time limit.
Not Acceptable
(ineffective, incomplete) Provides inconsistent information and lacks many components of the guidelines
Has no apparent application of critical thinking
Has no clear focus
Is pulled from few sources
Has significant factual errors, misconceptions, or misinterpretations More than 5spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors
Poor use of vocabulary and word choice
Plagiarism is evident
Written portion does not follow formatting guidelines for the assignment Content is unfocused and haphazard.
Information does not relate to the topic.
Information has no apparent pattern or flow of presentation. Presentation appears sloppy and/or unfinished.
Multimedia is overused or underused.
Format does not enhance content.
Presentation has no clear organization.
Lasted beyond time limit.
Use this rubric for guidance in both the written and oral portions of your report. The first three columns pertain to both the written AND the
oral portions, whereas the fourth column pertains only to the oral presentation.