Question Description
Chapter 10: Organization Change and Innovation
Chapter 11: Effective Leadership in the Organization
Unit Quizzes are a required graded component of this course
Each quiz may consist of 14 multiple-choice questions. It will open each quiz on Monday 8AM, and will close on the following Monday at 11:00am (Central Time, USA). You won’t have access past the Monday at 11:00am deadline, thus allow yourself to have at least 20 minutes before the closing time. Late work will be accepted with a penalty of 1% deduction per hour. Therefore, if you turn in a day later, 24% will be deducted from your grade.
Penalty for late work will keep on increasing as time goes by. The maximum number of hours for late quizzes are 72 hours or 3 days. After that, late quizzes will turn into zero. Please note that some units cover more than one chapter. Quizzes are to be taken closed book via Canvas. Please note that some units cover more than one chapters. You will have 20 minutes to complete the quiz once it is open and you will have up to 2 attempts. You will see one question at the time and your highest score will be recorded for a grade. If the 20-minute time cap is reached, your attempt will automatically be submitted.
You do not need to go to the testing center to take quizzes. However, all students should follow the Canvas Quiz and Test-Testing Best Practices. Unit quizzes are a way to assess student knowledge on an incremental basis before an exam.
Preparing for a Quiz
Before you take a unit quiz, please consider to:
- Read chapters corresponding to the specific unit.
- Make notes from your readings
- Review “key terms/vocabulary and concepts” at the end of each chapter (flashcards)
- Review your PowerPoint presentations/listen to pre-recorded lectures (Panopto)
- Ask questions through the discussion board.
- Relate concepts to examples provided on videos, articles, book and short pre-recorded lectures
- Take Practice Quiz
- Take Unit Quiz
Students won’t see the questions you got wrong after you finish a Unit Quiz. This class is taught by many other professors who decided that the test bank would not be shared with students due to the rise in cheating. However if you would like to know what concepts you are not mastering yet, please send me an email. I will be happy to review the quiz and let you know by email what are the concepts that you should work on.