Designing an eLearning course should be based on evidence-based research; use sound
instructional models and have carefully aligned objectives and assessments. In this justification
paper you will evaluate instructional design accessibility issues, learning management systems,
and course sequence and backwards design principles for your Course Project.
To prepare:
While you are designing your eLearning course, choosing a learning management system (LMS)
or mobile platform, and developing the instructional design elements, refer to the readings in
order to use evidence-based reasons for the decisions you are making.
Write a 4-page paper that contains the following:
LMS: Learning Management System or Mobile Platform
• Provide a link to your LMS or mobile platform so your Instructor and Learning
Community members can view your course (in progress)
Science Tech Foundation
• Defend your LMS or mobile platform choice
• Address accessibility issues
• How will your LMS or mobile platform look and perform on mobile technology; what
changes might make it more mobile-friendly?
• What resources might you use to accommodate a student with your assigned disability
from this module’s Discussion?
Someone who has hearing loss
Backwards Design
• Describe the impact and importance of backwards design when referring to your course
alignment tool (Brown, et al., 2013; McTighe, 2014)
Assessments aligned to Learning Outcomes
• Describe the assessments you will use to meet the outcomes, being sure to have both
formative and summative assessments (Stavredes & Herder, 2014; pp. 61–66)
Sequencing of Instruction
• Describe and defend how your assessment strategy aligns with acceptable evidence and
appropriately fulfills learning outcomes. (Stavredes & Herder, 2014; Chapter 6,; Brown,
et al., 2013)eCourse Creation
• Include the course alignment tool. Leave the learning resources and discussion columns
blank. Assignments only need to be described generally, as you will fully develop rubrics
and assignment descriptions later.
Learning Community Mini Summit #1 Reflection
• Include Mini Summit details: time, date, who will attend, and whether roles were
Brandi, Jason, no roles were assigned
• Describe how you felt about receiving feedback from your classmates.
You can give generic responds that I will update to fit my criteria
• Describe how you felt about providing feedback to your classmates.
You can give generic responds that I will update to fit my criteria
• Analyze the benefits and drawbacks of this collaborative experience.
• Explain how the process of collaboration impacted your ideas and vision for your
eLearning course.
Reading References:
Stavredes, T., & Herder, T. (2014). A guide to online course design: Strategies for student
success. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Walling, D. R. (2014). Designing learning for tablet classrooms: Innovations in instruction. New
York, NY: Springer.
Brinthaupt, T. M., Clayton, M. A., Draude, B. J., & Calahan, P. T. (2014). How should I offer
this course? Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 10(2), 326–336.
Friedman, L. W., & Friedman, H. H. (2013). Using social media technologies to enhance online
learning. Journal of Educators Online, 10(1), 1–21.