Dubai & Co

Dubai & Co

Integrative Essay:

Assay 7 pages long. Double Space. Must choose 3 themes from the book Dubai & Co and discuss them. (e.g. you might evaluate the authors statements using actual trip experience). PLEASE NOTE, BOOK IS QUIET A BIT OUTDATED. CURRENT NORMS AND CULTURE ARE MUCH LACKS THEN WHAT THE BOOK TALKED ABOUT. ********* I’VE ATTACHED MY PERSONAL LOG FROM THE ACTUAL TRIP WHICH MUST BE USED TO COMPARE AND CONTRAST IDEAS. ***********
********Since there is only one book (Dubai & Co) there is no need to provide full fledged citation. However, every time you refer to a claim by the author , exact page number must be provided. Whenever the author is quoted, you must put that information in quotation marks AND provide the page number.

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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