Following the 2008 stock market collapse there were debates about what role the government should play in addressing the economic
problems of the United States. One position argued that increased government spending would soften the economic hardships brought
on by the collapse and ultimately would lead to a resurgence of the economy at a quicker pace. Others argued that government
spending should be decreased in order to create a stronger economy and hasten the economic recovery. For the most part the Federal
government increased spending in response to the 2008 collapse and we continue to debate the merits of such economic policy. Was
this strategy successful? Is this an appropriate use of Federal government power? How did these actions impact the politics of the
current budgetary process?
Respond to this question in a writing assignment. In your answer be sure to take a position and create a thesis statement to
support your position in a 3-5 page double spaced, 12 point font essay. While answering this question, be sure to consider the
theories of fiscal policy covered by text book you decide to use
Your answer should be in the format of a standard academic essay. This includes documentation of others ideas and exact words if
you choose to use outside sources. Use of sources must be properly cited with APA citation style.