RE: Discussion – Week 5
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My results from the Strengths Finder’s test were extremely accurate. My top five strengths are intellection, connectedness, achiever, futuristic, and learner. Seemiller (2017) stated the Clifton’s Strength Finder assessment can help empower and guide students to become successful leaders by drawing on their strengths, and not their weaknesses. In this discussion, I will briefly describe my five strengths, and then discuss values, strengths, and characteristics I would like to improve.
My first strength is intellection. This means I like quiet time to think and analyze. I like to read and listen to other’s perspectives and ideas. I am my own best companion because I love to reflect, think, and inspire myself. One thing I would like to improve regarding this strength is that I think more than I do, which can be disheartening for me. Realizing I can use this strength in meaningful ways without ‘doing’ anything is one way I can overcome the guilt. Gallup (2017) stated an example of this would be to get involved in projects in the beginning, where my ideas, wisdom, and creative thinking would be most helpful.
My second strength is connectedness. I believe all experiences have meaning. I believe there are no coincidences and we are all connected. Furthermore, I have faith those connections are meant to be and meaningful. I accept what cannot be explained logically and have faith that the meaning of events and experiences may never be known to me, but have meaning none the less. I am very aware of my spirit and that makes me compassionate, accepting, sensitive, and considerate. Gallup (2018) stated people with this strength should join organizations and go on retreats. I would like to strengthen my communication skills, and I think these involvements might give me that confidence. I want to improve my communication skills so that I can help others find their purpose in everyday life, realize their contributions, and feel meaningfully connected to this world.
My third strength is achiever. I am a hard worker with enormous self-motivation and drive. I put in more effort than most in all my work, and I do it because it makes me feel satisfied. I would like to improve my ability to feel satisfied when I’m not busy and productive. I would like to enjoy being still and present, not requiring measurable goals to progress through every day. One way I could work with my strength to achieve this is to assign achievement goals to things that are not work related (Gallup, 2018). Another way to help me improve on my ability to take time to relax and focus on non-work achievements is to make my daily work goals achievable, realistic, and timely.
My fourth strength is futuristic. I am inspired by the possibilities of the future. I visualize the future and feel joyful and energized. I am original, innovative, and resourceful. I like to entertain ideas about how to reach goals, get things done, or make things better. I see things that are not obvious and can look at things in a way that is not familiar or common to most. I like to help others feel that excitement and energy about their future. This strength can help me with my dream of binge a coach and a guide, helping others visualize their potential and dreams (Gallup, 2018). I would like to improve my communication skills in this area also. I could partner with someone who is more articulate and can convey my visions effectively with words. I can also use other ways to get my inspired points across such as arts, theater, and other forms of media. Taking some communication skill building classes is something I should pursue.
My fifth strength is learner. I love learning, and the process of learning excites me more than the outcome. I strive to continuously improve myself through learning. I am attracted to concepts that are not easy to comprehend curiously explore things that interest me in depth. One characteristic I would like to improve about myself is my confidence, and learning can give me the confidence boost of acquiring new knowledge and skills. Another area I need to improve on is how I skip past all my celebratory moments. I track my progress, even in learning, but I never take the time or energy to feel good about my accomplishments. I think allowing myself those moments would also improve my confidence levels.
Marshall and Broome (2017) stated high energy and physical endurance can help leaders reach their goals. This is one area I need to work on a great deal. I don’t give myself a lot of time or energy to spend on physical activity. I have plans to join a yoga class once or twice a week. I also will increase my time outside hiking, snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing. Another crucial goal is to schedule physical activity breaks into my work and study days.
In conclusion, I hope to remember I am a catalyst for change by being open to new ideas and ways of life (Gallup, 2018). I can inspire others to feel safer with their own changes. I hope I honor my desire to learn and collect certificates, join organizations, go on learning trips, and always be furthering my education. Seemiller (2017) stated this assessment not only encourages successful leaders, but also promotes being a good student and having good relationships. I can see how bringing your strengths into every area in your life can be useful. This exercise was a lot of fun and provided some much-needed reflection. I’m excited to read what everyone else writes this week!
Gallup. (2018). Strengths finder. Retrieved from
Marshall, E., & Broome, M. (2017). Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert
clinician to influential leader (2nded.). New York, NY: Springer.
Seemiller, C. (2017). Using leadership competencies to develop talents into strengths. New Directions for Student Leadership, 156, 31–42. Retrieved from