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Discussion Leader Memo and Reading summary analysis

Reading Memo (): Each student will write one memo during the course. The schedule for these memos is listed on the schedule of classes. The memo should be approximately 5 pages long, and must include a summary of the main points of the reading, your thoughts about the reading, and two discussion questions.

Please note that this assignment also requires you to lead the online discussion for the week. As the discussion leader, you should respond to questions from your group mates, add additional commentary to keep the discussion going, etc. A good discussion leader will check the discussion board at least four times during the week.

All I need is the memo and a few questions (3) they can be both simple and complex. Just good enough to get a great discussion going. Remember APA format for the memo. Below is the readings for this particular week of discussion. Please summarize these within the memo.

**Menzel – Leadership in Public Administration: Creative and/or Ethical? **Molina – Values, Context, and the Concept of Integrity

Text used in course that may support:

Adams, G. & D. Balfour. (2014). Unmasking Administrative Evil. 4th Edition. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis. ISBN-10: 0765642913

Cooper, T. L. (2012). The Responsible Administrator: An Approach to Ethics for the Administrative Role. 6th Edition. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. ISBN-10: 0470873946

O’Leary, R. (2006). The Ethics of Dissent: Managing Guerrilla Government. Washington, DC: CQ Press.

Format :

All assignments for this class will require APA formatting for submission, hence the requirement for an APA manual for this class. Additionally, the same format will be utilized across all assignments:

▪ Times New Roman Font – Size 12

▪ Double Spaced

▪ 1” Margins

▪ Cover Sheet containing:

o Assignment Title

o Your Name


o Due Date of Assignment

o Course Name (POLS 5020 Ethics in Public Administration) o Instructor Name (Dr. Exmeyer)

▪ In-text citations and Reference Page listings using proper APA format.

▪ Charts, graphs, and figures should be included in appendices and do not count toward your

page total for the assignment.

▪ Cover pages and reference pages do not count towards the page total for assignments.


Last Updated on August 22, 2019

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