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Discrimination at the Workplace Presentation Sample

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Discrimination at the Workplace






Discrimination at the Workplace


The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is considered to be active in the enforcement of the federal laws in an aim to prohibit Discrimination issues against any job applicant or any staff during the work situations including hiring along with firing, training, benefits and the promotion aspects in the workplace. There are numerous federal laws that have been Implemented to ensure that discrimination in the workplace is eliminated. Some of the federal laws that have been implemented entails the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act 1964 which makes it illegal to be involved in any kind of discrimination against an individual on the basis of their color along with face, sex and even national origin. It is a prominent law that offers protection to the employees against any kind of retaliation for moving forward with any kind of claim in regard to discrimination in the workplace (Filut et al. 120).

Another prominent law is the Equal Pay Act 1963 which is entailed in the prohibition of the sex based wage type of harassment between the men along with the women who carry out equal work under the same conditions and workplace. These laws among others are considered to be the foundation regarding the manner in which the identified EEOC is entailed in the enforcement of the discrimination issues in the identified workplace. Most of the state laws that are currently implemented are considered to be the same in nature to the federal civil rights types of laws, however they may provide additional safety against any kind of employment associated discrimination (Filut et al. 120). Discrimination in the workplace is not new and has been the issue for a long time. Even though employees are protected by federal laws, the discrimination issues are still existing, and we need to find strategies that can be used to efficiently prevent these issues.


Discriminatory Issues

The various discriminatory conducts entails the direct as well as the indirect and even the victimization issues. The direct types of conducts usually entails the treatment of a single employee less suitably than the rest due to their age along with gender, religion and even beliefs among other related aspects. There are also the indirect types which are associated with imposing of a given type of requirement or even practice that usually disadvantages a particular type off group for instance the banning of beards in the workplace could be a disadvantage to some of the religious employees. Victimization entails the treatment of an individual in a less favorable way than the rest due to the fact that they have been involved in complaints regarding discrimination on the basis of age as well as gender and even religion among other aspects (Colella et al. 3)

There are various types of situations whereby discrimination usually takes place in the organiztaion or business, however it is vital to understand that the identified signs are not usually obvious. Discrimination issues can also be considered to be very subtle as well as challenging to prove. Facing any kind of employment discrimination can be involved in the undermining of an individual in their identified workplace. No individual desires to operate in an environment that is filled with workplace discrimination of any kind or level (Colella et al. 3).

There are five key signs that can be used to show that a certain workplace is facing discrimination issues. First and foremost, there is the issue of lack of diversity. Some signs regarding discrimination are usually considered to be highly noticeable than other signs. If every person in the workplace is of the same age as well as race, sexual orientation and even gender then it is evident that the environment will most likely has issues of discrimination to a person who is different from the rest.

The other sign is considered to be fixed roles. If the men that are found in the workplace are all considered to be at the managerial positions or are given roles of authority as compared to the women that are in the workplace but remain in the secretarial roles this can be considered as being a sign regarding discrimination. This is the case especially if the identified women in the workplace possess qualifications for any kind of higher role but are usually never promoted. Nonetheless, another sign is that one regarding overlooking or denying promotions to certain people (Filut et al. 140). If an individual has been working hard as well as possess the right set of skills that are needed to fill in current roles, however they are usually passed over then this can be concluded as being a case of workplace discrimination. This is especially if an individual expresses interest in or is involved in the application for a current position but someone else is always considered despite having lower qualifications.

The other sign is the one that entails demeaning along with alienation of communication. Communication can be considered to be a big element in the identified issue of employment discrimination. The tone as well as the manner in which the co workers as well as supervisors communicate with one another can be considered to be an unpleasant issue as well as causes discriminatory issues. Discrimination can be considered to be present if the comments made especially in regard to race as well as age are offensive.

Another sign is when there is a negative Increment or decrement in the workload. This can be a common discriminatory sign whereby the managers usually take away the key roles for the identified employee or giving a certain employee hard tasks. All these are considered as being common signs and issues that have been associated with a discriminatory Workplace (Filut et al. 130).

Impacts of Discrimination in the Workplace

Discrimination has become a common hot topic of debate in the current day era. It is an issue that has been prevalent for a long time. It is important to understand that numerous research resources have indicated various types of implications associated with the issue of discrimination in the workplace. The impacts are not usually limited to the physical but also to the mental implications on the identified employees which may entail the issue of depression along with the development of the anxiety associated disorders and loss of oneself in the process. It is vital to note that discriminatory types of practices can possess a huge level of effect upon the identified commercial reputation regarding a business, adversely impact the level of Productivity among the identified employees as well as their level of performance is compromised and there is decreased staff commitment and morale (Plickert et al. 28).

Prevention of Discrimination in the Workplace

The key aim to any prevention Strategy is considered to have an effective solution at the end of it all. There are numerous types of strategies that can be used in the prevention of any kind of discrimination issues in the workplace. First and foremost, it is important for the managers as well as the leaders to ensure that they base their key focus on the aspect of diversity. It is vital to create a diverse type of workplace. It is vital that the managers as well as the leaders are ensuring efficiency in the workplace in terms of working ethnically along with racially diverse. Reflection of the diverse type of population regarding the current era society will assist the organiztaion to improve their service to each other as well as other types of stakeholders such as customers and patients as in the case of a healthcare facility. It is vital to make sure that all the employees are usually equally heard as well as represented (Schneider 1051).

Nonetheless, organizations as well as businesses can ensure that they educate their workforce on the aspects of discrimination and the various ways in which to avoid such issues. It is essential that the organizations are involved in the provision of the diversity as well as the inclusion type of training for the staff. It is vital that all the identified employees have knowledge on what is entailed in the issues of discrimination (Rosenblat et al. 258). It can be considered to be anything from a simple type to comment to a missed promotion as well as remuneration in the workplace. It is also considered to be essential to prevent the issues of discrimination as well as through cultivation of respect along with inclusion as the key organizational values.

There is also the need to write as well as review the organizational policy on discriminatory issues. There is the need to have an anti discrimination type of policy put into place. Just like each type of workplace, there is the need to be in possession of anti discriminatory policies which are involved in setting the standards of behavior. Employees need to be familiar with the identified policy so as to make sure that each individual has knowledge on the racial discrimination which will not be tolerated. It is also important to build the team which will help in focusing on the employees in the companies getting to know each other and in the creation of a positive type of work environment.

There is also the need to communicate as is needed. Encouraging open communication via ensuring that the identified employees feel satisfied in the discussion of the various types of concerns with the given supervisors is vital. HR as well as the designated individual in the organiztaion in the workplace should ensure that communication is done to ensure that discrimination issues are handled in the organiztaion. It is vital that they are made to feel safe as well as comfortable in bringing up any kind of discriminatory issues (Schneider 1051).


Harassment that takes place in the workplace on the basis of the protected classes is one that is also prohibited under the federal laws as well as the state laws. The state implemented protections are vital in the prohibition of any kind of harassment when it is considered to be so fatal or even pervasive that it is associated with the creation of a hostile kind of work environment. Although, it is evident that the laws do not prohibit the simple teasing as well as the offhand comments or even the isolated incidents that are not considered to be very serious, it is important to note that harassment is considered to be illegal when it happens often or severe such that it leads to a hostile environment or when it causes an adverse employment decision like the victim being fired. Check out for any discriminatory issues and sort them out to avoid any further consequences (Roscigno & Vincent 5).

Any person that is usually harassed in the workplace under these protected classes may be capable of taking legal actions on the identified state level. If they are incapable of doing so due to the state Regulatory type of structure, they may be in a position to move forward with a claim to the prominent EEOC. Unlawful type of discrimination in the identified Workplace usually has negative implications for the employers as well as the employees (Roscigno & Vincent 5). Discriminatory types of practices can possess a huge effect on the reputation regarding the organiztaion and lead to low sales and profitability rates because the productivity of the employees usually gets reduced. It is vital for the workplaces to ensure that they use the best strategies such as those outlined in the essay to ensure that they prevent any cases of discrimination. This type of environment will help in the development of the employee engagement along with the promotion of any kind of merit as well as excellence which in turn enhances productivity.

Works Cited

Colella, Adrienne, and Eden B. King, eds. The Oxford handbook of workplace discrimination. Oxford University Press, 2018. 1-6

Filut, Amarette, Madelyn Alvarez, and Molly Carnes. “Discrimination toward physicians of color: a systematic review.” Journal of the National Medical Association 112.2 (2020): 117-140.

Plickert, Gabriele, and Joyce Sterling. “Gender still matters: Effects of workplace discrimination on employment schedules of young professionals.” Laws 6.4 (2017): 28.

Roscigno, Vincent J. “Discrimination, sexual harassment, and the impact of workplace power.” Socius 5 (2019): 2378023119853894. 5

Rosenblat, Alex, et al. “Discriminating tastes: Uber’s customer ratings as vehicles for workplace discrimination.” Policy & Internet 9.3 (2017): 256-279.

Schneider, Kimberly T., Eric D. Wesselmann, and Eros R. DeSouza. “Confronting subtle workplace mistreatment: The importance of leaders as allies.” Frontiers in Psychology 8 (2017): 1051.

Last Updated on January 29, 2025

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