Descriptive Statistics – categorical variables: Region
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Produce one cross tabulation (what is cross tabulation) in order to investigate any possible association between two appropriate categorical variables.
Comment on the results and make relevant recommendation to Hotel’s management
According to the data which given on the pages ??, which data was provided by 104 hotels. After collected the 104 surveys from the hotels, found two outline data on -1 data on distance from the nearest from the rail link and -1 data on the service years of the hotel managers. So, we decided ignore these two surveys data. However, the total of the surveys from the hotels are 102 only.
Region | |
Mean | 1.892156863 |
Standard Error | 0.081133092 |
Median | 2 |
Mode | 1 |
Standard Deviation | 0.819404067 |
Sample Variance | 0.671423025 |
Kurtosis | -1.482360029 |
Skewness | 0.203161078 |
Range | 2 |
Minimum | 1 |
Maximum | 3 |
Sum | 193 |
Count | 102 |
Country | No. of Hotel |
1- Finland | 40 |
2 – Sweden | 33 |
3 – Norway | 29 |
Total | 102 |
The total of the hotel is 102, 40 of the hotels are located in Finland, it is 39% of the total.
The second one 33 hotels are located in Sweden, 32 % of the total. Norway is 29% of the total, only 29 hotels in there.
Descriptive Statistics – categorical variables: Size of the Hotel
Size of Hotel | |
Mean | 1.81372549 |
Standard Error | 0.080921686 |
Median | 2 |
Mode | 1 |
Standard Deviation | 0.817268963 |
Sample Variance | 0.667928558 |
Kurtosis | -1.413014183 |
Skewness | 0.358131814 |
Range | 2 |
Minimum | 1 |
Maximum | 3 |
Sum | 185 |
Count | 102 |
No. of rooms | No. of Hotel |
1 = < 50 | 45 |
2 = 50-100 | 31 |
3 = >100 | 26 |
Total | 102 |
This figure shows that 45 Hotels of the total 102 is less that 50 rooms, 44% of the total.
Only 26% of the Hotels are operating more than 100 rooms.
Descriptive Statistics – categorical variables: Gender of the manager
Gender of the manager | |
Mean | 1.411764706 |
Standard Error | 0.04897105 |
Median | 1 |
Mode | 1 |
Standard Deviation | 0.494583357 |
Sample Variance | 0.244612697 |
Kurtosis | -1.905300144 |
Skewness | 0.363942696 |
Range | 1 |
Minimum | 1 |
Maximum | 2 |
Sum | 144 |
Count | 102 |
Gender of manager | No. of person |
1- Male | 60 |
2- Female | 42 |
Total | 102 |
In 102 hotel managers, 60 managers are male to take 59% of the total. The rest of 41% managers are female.
Descriptive Statistics – Categorical variables: Years of service
Years of service | |
Mean | 1.519607843 |
Standard Error | 0.061890228 |
Median | 1 |
Mode | 1 |
Standard Deviation | 0.625060665 |
Sample Variance | 0.390700835 |
Kurtosis | -0.353077889 |
Skewness | 0.793077803 |
Range | 2 |
Minimum | 1 |
Maximum | 3 |
Sum | 155 |
Count | 102 |
Service years | No. of manager |
1 = 0-3 years | 56 |
2 = 4-7 years | 39 |
3 = > 7 years | 7 |
Total | 102 |
The survey of the service year is 55% of the managers are working in the hotel between 0-3 years. Less than 7% of the managers are working over 7 years.
Descriptive Statistics – numerical variables: Distance
Firstly, the categorical variables which are: Distance, Advertising, Employees, Type A and B.
Distance (miles) | |
Mean | 2.431372549 |
Standard Error | 0.091962262 |
Median | 2.5 |
Mode | 1.5 |
Standard Deviation | 0.92877332 |
Sample Variance | 0.86261988 |
Kurtosis | -1.097970621 |
Skewness | 0.062529806 |
Range | 3.5 |
Minimum | 0.5 |
Maximum | 4 |
Sum | 248 |
Count | 102 |
Distance (miles) | frequency |
0.5-1 | 1 |
1-1.5 | 15 |
1.5-2 | 16 |
2-2.5 | 18 |
2.5-3 | 15 |
3-3.5 | 17 |
3.5-4 | 20 |
Grand Total | 102 |
According to the Distance (in miles) chart, the nearest distance between hotel and rail link is 0.5 miles, the longest distance is 4 miles, the mode is 1.5 miles.
The mean is 2.43 and the median is 2.5, figures are closed together.
Descriptive Statistics – numerical variables: Advertising
Advertising (£) | |
Mean | 1223.04902 |
Standard Error | 28.70686225 |
Median | 1198.5 |
Mode | 1460 |
Standard Deviation | 289.9250971 |
Sample Variance | 84056.56193 |
Kurtosis | -1.113213947 |
Skewness | 0.020149338 |
Range | 1147 |
Minimum | 651 |
Maximum | 1798 |
Sum | 124751 |
Count | 102 |
Advertising | frequency |
600-699 | 1 |
700-799 | 2 |
800-899 | 20 |
900-999 | 3 |
1000-1099 | 11 |
1100-1199 | 14 |
1200-1299 | 7 |
1300-1399 | 10 |
1400-1499 | 15 |
1500-1599 | 11 |
1600-1699 | 2 |
1700-1800 | 6 |
Grand Total | 102 |
The Advertising (£) table showing that the mode of the hotel where spend on advertising average per month is £1460.00. The maximum spends on advertising(£1798.00) are almost 2.5 times of the minimum spending (£651.00).
Descriptive Statistics – numerical variables: Employees
Employees | |
Mean | 19.26470588 |
Standard Error | 0.610356244 |
Median | 18 |
Mode | 15 |
Standard Deviation | 6.164295902 |
Sample Variance | 37.99854397 |
Kurtosis | -0.707479275 |
Skewness | 0.654287392 |
Range | 24 |
Minimum | 10 |
Maximum | 34 |
Sum | 1965 |
Count | 102 |
Employees | frequency |
10-12 | 11 |
13-15 | 26 |
16-18 | 19 |
19-21 | 17 |
22-24 | 5 |
25-27 | 6 |
28-30 | 14 |
31-33 | 3 |
34-36 | 1 |
Grand Total | 102 |
The maximum of employees who works in hotel is 34, the minimum of the manpower of the hotel is 10 only. It is different in 3.5 times between in maximum and minimum.
The median is 18 employees and the mode is 15 employees, these two figures are closed.
Descriptive Statistics – numerical variables: Accommodation A
Accommodation type A | |
Mean | 398020.5882 |
Standard Error | 8876.553606 |
Median | 387000 |
Mode | 414000 |
Standard Deviation | 89648.79698 |
Sample Variance | 8036906800 |
Kurtosis | -0.77256128 |
Skewness | 0.260649865 |
Range | 390000 |
Minimum | 253000 |
Maximum | 643000 |
Sum | 40598100 |
Count | 102 |
Income of Type A | frequency |
250000-299999 | 20 |
300000-349999 | 12 |
350000-399999 | 21 |
400000-449999 | 18 |
450000-499999 | 15 |
500000-549999 | 11 |
550000-599999 | 4 |
600000-650000 | 1 |
Grand Total | 102 |
Descriptive Statistics – numerical variables: Accommodation B
Accommodation type B | |
Mean | 212133.3333 |
Standard Error | 729.3568615 |
Median | 211750 |
Mode | 208500 |
Standard Deviation | 7366.143225 |
Sample Variance | 54260066.01 |
Kurtosis | -0.687049798 |
Skewness | 0.262688332 |
Range | 31200 |
Minimum | 198300 |
Maximum | 229500 |
Sum | 21637600 |
Count | 102 |
Income of Type B | frequency |
195000-199999 | 3 |
200000-204999 | 15 |
205000-209999 | 25 |
210000-214999 | 24 |
215000-219999 | 17 |
220000-224999 | 14 |
225000-230000 | 4 |
Grand Total | 102 |
This table shows the 104 hotels they got the similar on the average monthly income from the accommodation A and B.
Investigate of relationship between Region and Size of Hotel
We are choosing region of the hotel located and the size of the hotel to investigate ant possible association from the categorical variables.
Our hypothesis is set as below:
: No relationship between the room size and the hotel located in country.
: There is a relationship between the room size and the hotel located in country.
According to the data are given from Region and Size of the hotel, we are organizing as the below table:
Size of the Hotel | ||||
small | medium | large | ||
<50 | 50-100 | >100 | region | |
1-FINLAND | 13 | 20 | 7 | 40 |
2-SWEDEN | 18 | 7 | 8 | 33 |
3-NORWAY | 14 | 4 | 11 | 29 |
Total | 45 | 31 | 26 | 102 |
So, base the on above table, we change to the observe value as below table:
Observe value | S | M | L | TTL |
1-FINLAND | 13 | 20 | 7 | 40 |
2-SWEDEN | 18 | 7 | 8 | 33 |
3-NORWAY | 14 | 4 | 11 | 29 |
Total | 45 | 31 | 26 | 102 |
Then, we start to calculate the expected value, for example,
Expected value | S | M | L | TTL |
1-FINLAND | =40/102*45 | =40/102*31 | =40/102*26 | 40 |
2-SWEDEN | =33/102*45 | =33/102*31 | =33/102*26 | 33 |
3-NORWAY | =29/102*45 | =29/102*31 | =29/102*26 | 29 |
Total | 45 | 31 | 26 | 102 |
After that, we got the figure as below table
Expected value | S | M | L | TTL |
1-FINLAND | 17.64705882 | 12.15686275 | 10.19607843 | 40 |
2-SWEDEN | 14.55882353 | 10.02941176 | 8.411764706 | 33 |
3-NORWAY | 12.79411765 | 8.81372549 | 7.392156863 | 29 |
Total | 45 | 31 | 26 | 102 |
The Chi-square test statistics:
( | |||||
13 | 17.64705882 | -4.647058824 | 21.59515571 | 1.22372549 | |
20 | 12.15686275 | 7.843137255 | 61.514802 | 5.060088552 | |
7 | 10.19607843 | -3.196078431 | 10.21491734 | 1.001847662 | |
18 | 14.55882353 | 3.441176471 | 11.8416955 | 0.813368984 | |
7 | 10.02941176 | -3.029411765 | 9.17733564 | 0.915042263 | |
8 | 8.411764706 | -0.411764706 | 0.169550173 | 0.020156314 | |
14 | 12.79411765 | 1.205882353 | 1.454152249 | 0.113657877 | |
4 | 8.81372549 | -4.81372549 | 23.17195309 | 2.62907588 | |
11 | 7.392156863 | 3.607843137 | 13.0165321 | 1.760857128 | |
Total 102 | 13.53782015 |
Due to the degree of freedom is = (m-1) (n-1) = (3-1) (3-1) = 4, so that, the critical value of 5% on 4 degree of freedom is 9.488.
Since 13.53782015 is greater than 9.488, we reject .
We conclude that there is a relationship between the room size and the hotel located in country.
Relationship between the total average monthly incomes and distance of the hotel from the nearest rail link
Total we have 102 surveys of hotel, After group the data of total average income and distance of the hotel from the nearest rail link, the figure shown as below table:
x | y | xy | x2 | y2 | |||
Distance | Type A | Type B | Total income of A + B | Column3 | Column1 | Column2 | |
1 | 1.5 | 473000 | 213000 | 686000 | 1029000 | 2.25 | 4.70596E+11 |
2 | 2.75 | 263000 | 198300 | 461300 | 1268575 | 7.5625 | 2.12798E+11 |
3 | 1 | 423000 | 212000 | 635000 | 635000 | 1 | 4.03225E+11 |
4 | 2.6 | 263400 | 199000 | 462400 | 1202240 | 6.76 | 2.13814E+11 |
5 | 2.4 | 342000 | 210500 | 552500 | 1326000 | 5.76 | 3.05256E+11 |
6 | 2.05 | 363500 | 206500 | 570000 | 1168500 | 4.2025 | 3.249E+11 |
7 | 0.5 | 518000 | 207600 | 725600 | 362800 | 0.25 | 5.26495E+11 |
8 | 1 | 489300 | 219500 | 708800 | 708800 | 1 | 5.02397E+11 |
9 | 3.45 | 281000 | 204000 | 485000 | 1673250 | 11.9025 | 2.35225E+11 |
10 | 1.2 | 491000 | 228500 | 719500 | 863400 | 1.44 | 5.1768E+11 |
91 | 3.7 | 309600 | 208100 | 517700 | 1915490 | 13.69 | 2.68013E+11 |
92 | 1.5 | 496000 | 218500 | 714500 | 1071750 | 2.25 | 5.1051E+11 |
93 | 3 | 329000 | 206000 | 535000 | 1605000 | 9 | 2.86225E+11 |
94 | 2.5 | 366000 | 208500 | 574500 | 1436250 | 6.25 | 3.3005E+11 |
95 | 3.5 | 286100 | 201700 | 487800 | 1707300 | 12.25 | 2.37949E+11 |
96 | 2.25 | 286900 | 202500 | 489400 | 1101150 | 5.0625 | 2.39512E+11 |
97 | 1.25 | 473000 | 208400 | 681400 | 851750 | 1.5625 | 4.64306E+11 |
98 | 1.5 | 537000 | 217500 | 754500 | 1131750 | 2.25 | 5.6927E+11 |
99 | 2 | 440000 | 218700 | 658700 | 1317400 | 4 | 4.33886E+11 |
100 | 2 | 414000 | 217000 | 631000 | 1262000 | 4 | 3.98161E+11 |
101 | 2.6 | 263400 | 199000 | 462400 | 1202240 | 6.76 | 2.13814E+11 |
102 | 3 | 446000 | 212400 | 658400 | 1975200 | 9 | 4.33491E+11 |
Sum | 248 | 62235700 | 144416375 | 690.105 | 3.89007E+13 |
n = 102 Σx = 248 Σy = 62235700 Σxy = 144416375
= 690.105 = 3.89E+13
r = = -703983350
= 8886.71
= 9.46E+13
= 916834454
r = -0.76784129
So that, base on the general interpretation of Correlation coefficient, we got the figure is
-0.76784129, that means that there is no relationship between the total average monthly incomes and the distance of the hotel from the nearest rail link.
Descriptive Statistics – categorical variables: Region
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