Data Project Instructions
This project will be graded out of 43 points as described in the attached rubric. Your grade on the data project will count as 15% of your final course grade.
Learning Objective
Create graphical representations for data using statistical software. Interpret and present the graphics and measures of central tendency and variability for an approved data set in a business format.
Use the specific data set assigned to you by your TA based on the first initial of your last name
- Using complete English sentences, describe the data. Make sure you
- State the source of the data.
- Create a list of each variable with a brief description of what the variable measures.
- State specifically whether each variable is quantitative or qualitative.
Create, present, and interpret the following:
- Create a bar chart for a qualitative variable.
- Create a frequency histogram for a quantitative variable.
- Create a relative frequency histogram for a different quantitative variable.
- Find and display the following summary statistics for a quantitative variable.
- Mean
- Median
- Standard deviation
- Variance
- Range
- Q1
- Q3
- Interquartile Range
- n
- Make a boxplot for a quantitative variable.
- Make a side-by-side boxplot for a different quantitative variable separated by a qualitative variable’s classes.
- Make a scatter plot of two quantitative variables.
Each of the graphs you create should include a title describing the graph and correctly labeled axes. Each of the graphs should also be followed by at least one complete English sentence describing a feature of the variable that the graph illustrates. For example: “From the histogram we can see that the data is nearly symmetric and centered around $4500.”
STT 315 – Data Project Rubric – Spring 2018
- Data description (4 points)
- Report states the source of the data set.
- Report includes a list of variables in the data set.
- Report includes a verbal description of each variable.
- Report correctly identifies the type of each variable (quantitative or qualitative).
- Bar Chart (5 points)
- Report includes a bar chart of a qualitative variable.
- Bar chart correctly represents the variable.
- Bar chart has a descriptive title.
- Bar chart has descriptive labels for each category.
- Report correctly describes a feature of the variable illustrated by the bar chart.
- Frequency Histogram (5 points)
- Report includes a frequency histogram for a quantitative variable.
- Frequency histogram has a descriptive title.
- Frequency histogram has correctly labeled x-axis.
- Frequency histogram has correctly labeled x-axis.
- Report correctly describes a feature of the variable illustrated by the frequency histogram.
- Relative Frequency Histogram (5 points)
- Report includes a relative frequency histogram for a different quantitative variable.
- Relative frequency histogram has a descriptive title.
- Relative frequency histogram has correctly labeled x-axis.
- Relative frequency histogram has a correctly labeled y-axis.
- Report correctly describes a feature of the variable illustrated by the relative frequency histogram.
- Table of Statistics (10 points)
- Report contains a display of the summary statistics for one of the quantitative variables.
- Report correctly states the following
- Mean
- Median
- Standard deviation
- Variance
- Range
- First quartile (Q1 or QL)
- Third quartile (Q3 or QU)
- Interquartile Range (IQR)
- Sample size
- Box Plot (4 points)
- Report includes a boxplot for a quantitative variable.
- Boxplot has a descriptive title.
- Boxplot has correctly labeled x-axis (horizontal plot) or y-axis (vertical plot).
- Report correctly describes a feature of the variable illustrated by the boxplot.
- Side-by-side Box Plot (5 points)
- Report includes a side-by-side boxplot for a quantitative variable, separated by a qualitative variable’s categories.
- Side-by-side boxplot has a descriptive title.
- Side-by-side boxplot has correctly labeled x-axis.
- Side-by-side boxplot has a correctly labeled y-axis.
- Report correctly describes a feature of the variable illustrated by the side-by-side boxplot.
- Scatter Plot (5 points)
- Report includes a scatter plot of two quantitative variables.
- Scatter plot has a descriptive title.
- Scatter plot has correctly labeled x-axis.
- Scatter plot has a correctly labeled y-axis.
- Report correctly describes a feature of the variable illustrated by the scatter plot.
Total points possible: 43