Data Analysis Assignments Using SPSS/Excel:
Descriptive Statistics
Student Learning Outcome: 7
Submission Instructions:
For this assignment, refer to the pdf, “Univariate Data Analysis SPSS Output.pdf,” when answering the following questions. Submit the assignment using the Blackboard Assignment tab – Data Analysis Exercise 2 – Descriptive Statistics. Save the documents using the following format:
You DO NOT have to run statistical analyses in SPSS or Excel for this assignment. Instead, you need to interpret the data analysis using the pdf, “Univariate Data Analysis SPSS Output.pdf”.
Link to video explaining how to interpret the output:
Descriptive Statistics Instructions:
1. Identify all of thecontinuous variables in the output. Report the appropriate statistics for all of these variables, as specified on the Week Eight PowerPoint. Report the statistics following the example below.
Continuous variable (income) example –Respondents’ incomeranged from $27,000 to $153,000 (M = $62,000, s.d. =$12,062.92). (20 points)
2. Identify fournominal or ordinalvariables in the output. Report the appropriate statistics for these variables, as specified on the Week Eight PowerPoint. Report the statistics following the example below.
Nominal variable (political affiliation) example – Results indicated that 52% (146) of respondents were Republican, 40% (112) were Democrat, and 8% (22) were Independent. (40 points)
Ordinal variable (life satisfaction) example – Results indicated that 34% (130) of respondents were very satisfied with their lives, 23% (89) were satisfied, and 98% (26) were neutral, 10% (38) were unsatisfied, and just 6% (25) were very unsatisfied. (40 points)
3. Do any of the variables in the output shows a data entry error? If so, which one(s)? How do you know there is a data entry error?(10 points)
4. Based on your interpretation of the data, to which client population are respondents least likely to agree that social workers provide services? (10 points)
5. Based on your interpretation of the data, how would you describe respondents’ overall satisfaction withsocial work services – fairly positive or less so? Why? Support your answer with the data. (10 points)
6. Describe the distributions of the continuous variables. Are they normal? Are any of them skewed? (10 points)