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Cultural implications for multinational corporations

‘Critically discuss the cultural implications for multinational corporations of different approaches to employee voice and support your discussion with empirical illustrations.’

Detailed requirement:

1. Must include definition and a general discussion about —- Employee Voice, Direct & Indirect Voice, Multinational Cooperation, Culture, Globalisation. (Ps. Employee Voice is the core topic)

2. Critically discuss (good aspect and bad aspect) the cultural implications for multinational corporations of different approaches to employee voice and support your discussion with empirical illustrations.

3. Find examples of how different countries view Trade Unions.
Which countries value them and which do not.
Why do different viewpoints exist regarding Unions?
Could this be something to do with CULTURE?

4. Do not use Wikipedia or Business dictionaries. Using books and articles on Blackboard(which have been attached in the package) and ones from your additional research.
5. Use reference to examples and make them relevant to your discussion.
6. Focus on the analysis of the referenced theory and example and the discussion must be more than theory.
Some reference must be used in the assignment:
Multinational cooperations:
MNCs are enterprises operating in more than one country which own or control production or service facilities and activities, and add value.
?Leat, (2014), Exploring Employee Relations, p.83?
“the integration of spatially separate locations into a single international market”.
(Blyton and Turnbull (1998), The Dynamics of Employee Relations, p.38.)
Employee Voice:
“A whole variety of processes and structures which enable, and at times empower, employees, directly and indirectly, to contribute to decision-making in the firm” (Boxall & Purcell, 2003, p162).

Direct voice:

“forms of voice involving direct two-way communication between workers and management”(Bryson, 2014 p213)
Indirect (representative) Voice:
“where the views and concerns of a body of employees are communicated to management by one or more employees selected to represent or act in an agency function for the larger group”(Taras & Kaufman, 2016 p515).
Trade union:
Beatrice and Sidney Webb: A trade union is “a continuous association of wage-earners for the purpose of maintaining or improving the condition of their working lives”.
[The History of Trade Unionism, Longman, 1920, p.1]

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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