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Biracial American Populations

Powerpoint presentation Biracial American Populations

It is interesting to note that along with discriminatory issues, biracial Americans also experience personal identity issues, acceptance issues, and offensive and intrusive questions. From the perspective of a public service practitioner, you will learn how previous and current discriminatory practices toward biracial individuals can affect your organization and the community you serve.

As you complete the activities in this unit, you will be aware of the importance of culturally relevant and sensitive interventions that may help you and your organization steer clear of ethical and legal dilemmas. Lastly, you will challenge outdated ideas about multiculturalism and recommend new, fluid, and more effective solutions for improving diversity within your organization and the community.

ObjectivesTo successfully complete this learning unit, you will be expected to:

1.Examine the role of previous and contemporary discriminatory practices toward biracial individuals.
2.Analyze the influence of culture on attitudes, values, perception, human behavior, and interpersonal relations.
3.Analyze the ethical codes and legal standards related to multicultural issues in the workplace and the community.

To complete this project assignment, you should have your research completed and a detailed outline for the final research paper, including major concepts, observations, and conclusions. Required elements of this project assignment include:
•Identify your issue and explain why it is an issue.

•Provide solutions to the issue and explain how these solutions eliminate, reduce, minimize, or solve the issue.
•Explain why your solutions are the best solutions to the issue and what might be unintended consequences of both applying and not applying the solutions.

•Provide a clear link between your academic research and the solutions you provide.
Competency 1: Critically evaluate theories, methods, and research in cross-cultural awareness.
•Competency 2: Analyze the influence of culture on attitudes, values, perception, human behavior, and interpersonal relations.
•Competency 3: Analyze the ethical codes and legal standards related to multicultural issues in the workplace and the community.
•Competency 4: Explain how staying abreast with contemporary cultural diversity issues and research will improve the delivery of public safety.
•Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the public safety and emergency management professions.

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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