Criminal Minds

Your task for this high-stakes assignment is to consider the above incidents for context while you respond to the following points in an 8- to 10-page Word document:

  • Should the primary objective of police or law enforcement organizations be to reduce crime? If not, what should police or law enforcement organizations aim to accomplish?


  • Evaluate efforts to better integrate municipal police forces. What barriers stand in the way of recruiting officers who more accurately reflect the makeup of the community?


  • Terror incidents can be devastating, but they are rare. How should local police departments balance the need to protect against terrorism with the needs of daily law enforcement?


  • Examine how CompStat has helped in crime reduction and quality of life improvement.


  • Explain the implications CompStat has for the recruitment and training of policing officers. Present your ideas for increasing the efficiency of the training of police officers in accordance with CompStat.


  • How can CompStat and other similar programs be used for goals other than crime reduction?

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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