Module 1 – Assessment Task 9 – Activity 9.1 – Costing
Key requirements/specific instructions:
1. Develop and submit a costing spreadsheet, dividing costs up into distinct Cost Centres.
2. Produce and submit an Expenditure Schedule showing critical points. Include at least one earlier draft of your schedule in your submission. These should be in hard copy format.
3. Describe how you will ensure compliance with relevant codes of practice, standards and legislative requirements. This can be added as a footnote to your Expenditure Schedule.
Module 1 – Assessment Task 9 – Activity 9.2 – S Curves
Key requirements/specific instructions:
1. Create a projected S Curve to show cash flow and resource control. Write a short explanation of the curve.
2. Create an S Curve showing projected cash flow and payments using time risk and cost risk. Write a short explanation of the curve.
3. Create an S Curve using early start and late finish for pessimistic and optimistic outcome comparison. Write a short explanation of the curve, and include a calculation of the pessimistic overdraft requirement for this project.