In two, double-spaced, typed-written pages, please respond to the following topic. Your papers should be turned in to the dropbox in D2L, and they will be checked for plagiarism. So, make sure that you look at the report in the dropbox for unoriginal material, ensuring that all unoriginal material is quoted and cited. Your paper will be due on February 27 at 9am.
An essay was recently published in The Atlantic magazine that discusses James Madison’s various arguments about the Constitution and democratic rule in the Federalist Papers. Some of the references are relevant to the papers that you have read for this class (10, 39, 51). Here is the link:…
The author’s primary argument is that we cannot sustain popular rule based on reasoned argument given our current media environment. For your paper, read the essay and outline the basic points of the author’s argument in this essay, relating them to the various parts of the Federalist Papers that you are familiar with (10, 39, 51), and then conclude by assessing whether or not the author is correct about his argument. It is expected that your conclusion be well-thought out and developed, not just the expression of an opinion. Try to convince your reader that you are correct.