Essay Writer » Essay Blog » English Literature Helper » Comparative analysis of the protagonists, Roselily,  in Alice Walker’s “Roselily”  and Desiree in  Kate Chopin’s “Desiree’s Baby.”

Comparative analysis of the protagonists, Roselily,  in Alice Walker’s “Roselily”  and Desiree in  Kate Chopin’s “Desiree’s Baby.”

Write a three-page comparative analysis of the protagonists, Roselily,  in Alice Walker’s “Roselily”  and Desiree in  Kate Chopin’s “Desiree’s Baby.”  How does gender play a major role in the short fictions?  Do the time periods in each of the literary works cause the characters to act and react in certain ways and to be treated in specific ways because of gender? What themes of constraint do these stories convey to readers?

Themes are universal messages that are convey to the reader in a literary work.  A theme is not one word such as love or hate.  Your explicit- thesis statement should be the last sentence in the introduction. It should take an argumentative stance.   All secondary sources must come from Ebscohost, journals only. Include quotations from the primary texts as well.

Type your essay in the 2016 MLA format. Give your essay title. Do not repeat information any critics have already stated.  Originate new ideas; no clichés. Include a works cited sheet.


Last Updated on March 23, 2020

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