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Civil Engineering: Masonry Design HomeWork

Homework 1


We are going to design the highlighted 2 ft strip (pier) between the garage door opening and the window for out-of-plane loads. Pertinent properties are:
Roof dead load: 540 lb/ft
Roof wind uplift: 340 lb/ft
Roof load eccentricity: 5.31 inches towards inside of wall
Wind pressure: 30 psf
Wind suction: 26 psf
Use f’m = 2000 psi, Grade 60 steel, bars in center of wall, 8 inch CMU, and Type S PCL mortar. Assume that the pier is fully grouted (weight of 75 psf), and the rest of the wall has a weight of 42 psf. Neglect the weight of the door and window.


A.Determine the out-of-plane wind load on the pier in terms of kip/ft for the load combination 0.9D+1.0W, wind suction.
B.For the load combination 0.9D+1.0W, determine Puf, the factored load at the roof level. (kips)
C.Determine the location of the maximum moment down from the top of the wall for the load combination 0.9D+1.0W, and wind suction. (ft)
D.Determine the maximum first order moment for the load combination 0.9D+1.0W, and wind suction. (k-ft)
E.Determine the axial force at the location of the maximum moment for the load combination 0.9D+1.0W, and wind suction. (kip)
F.Estimate the required area of steel for the load combination 0.9D+1.0W, and wind suction. (in2)
G.If one bar is used in each of the three cells of the pier, determine the required size of the bar.
H.Determine the cracked moment of inertia for the load combination 0.9D+1.0W, and wind suction. Use the reinforcement from part G. (in4)
I.Calculate the moment magnification factor, ψ, for the load combination 0.9D+1.0W, and wind suction.
J.Calculate the magnified moment, Mufor the load combination 0.9D+1.0W, and wind suction. (kip-ft)
K.Determine the ratio of the magnified moment to the design moment for the load combination 0.9D+1.0W, and wind suction.
L.Before checking deflections, we will check the load combination 0.9D+1.0W, but with wind pressure on the wall. Determine the maximum first order moment for the load combination 0.9D+1.0W, and wind pressure. (k-ft)
M.Determine the axial force at the location of the maximum moment for the load combination 0.9D+1.0W, and wind pressure. (kip)
N.Calculate the magnified moment, Mufor the load combination 0.9D+1.0W, and wind pressure. (kip-ft)
O.Determine the ratio of the magnified moment to the design moment for the load combination 0.9D+1.0W, and wind pressure.
P.We will check deflections for the load combination D+0.6W, with wind pressure. Determine Pf, the load at the roof level. (kips)
Q.Determine the location of the maximum moment down from the top of the wall for the load combination D+0.6W, and wind pressure. (ft)
R.Determine the maximum first order moment for the load combination D+0.6W, and wind pressure. (k-ft)
S.Determine the axial force at the location of the maximum moment for the load combination D+0.6W, and wind pressure. (kip)
T.Determine the cracking moment of the pier. Use the axial load from 0.9D+1.0W, wind suction, for determining the cracking moment. (k-ft)
U.Determine the cracked moment of inertia for the load combination D+0.6W, and wind pressure. Use the reinforcement from part G. (in4)
V.Determine the effective moment of inertia for the load combination D+0.6W, and wind pressure. (in4)
W.Determine the first-order deflection for the load combination D+0.6W, and wind pressure. (inch)
X.Determine the deflection magnification factor for the load combination D+0.6W, and wind pressure.
Y.Determine the magnified deflection for the load combination D+0.6W, and wind pressure. (inch)
Z.Determine the allowable deflection. (inch)
AA.Determine the ratio of the magnified deflection to the allowable deflection for the load combination D+0.6W, and wind pressure.


Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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