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Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Course Title: Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Assignment Title: Signature Assignment: ASD Case Study*

Total Number of Points: 100

Programmatic Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs) Assessed

PSLO 4: Students will be able to create and modify instructional and behavioral plans for a variety of learning needs.

University Learning Goals (ULGs) Assessed

ULG 1: Professional Competence and Values

ULG 3: Communication

ULG 5: Collaboration

Assignment Directions

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your ability to use special education methodologies by creating a case study portfolio.

Select one student from your fieldwork experience who has been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, or use a student profile provided by your instructor. Develop a case study portfolio for the student in which you, in your own words, describe the student, analyze the student’s needs, and develop an instructional and behavioral plan to support an individualized education program (IEP). Include the following information in your case study portfolio:

Based on the selected student, write an analysis that includes the language, culture, and family background of the student as it influences student development and learning. Address specific strengths and needs in the following areas:

  1. Academic achievement (reading, mathematics, and written expression)
  2. Functional performance (social, emotional, behavioral, and physical development)
  3. Communication skills

Based on the analysis of the selected student, provide three measurable goals and supporting objectives for each of the following areas: academic achievement, functional performance, and communication skills. Provide baseline data collected to justify the goals.

Classify each of the goals and supporting objectives as either instructional or behavioral, and identify appropriate accommodations or modifications that will assist the selected student. Using these goals, objectives, accommodations, and modifications, create an instructional and behavioral plan to support the student.

Identify the service delivery model with least restrictive environment (LRE) rationale. Justify how this service delivery model provides a safe, inclusive environment and fosters student emotional well-being, positive social interactions, and self-determination.

Recommend related services and assistive technologies to augment communication, mobility, or academic achievement specific to the selected student’s needs. Prepare a plan for using these services and assistive technologies to promote the student’s digital citizenship and responsible social interactions while utilizing these services and assistive technologies.


Last Updated on March 12, 2021

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