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Changing Businesses Environment

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  • Assignment Task: Writing a Critical essay 
Subramanian and his associates (1993) studied scanning and performance in US Fortune 500 companies and found support for a relationship between business performances (higher growth and profitability) and advanced External and Industry environmental . Business organisations scan these two environment rigorously in order to avoid surprises, identify threats and opportunities, gain competitive advantage, and improve long-term and short-term planning (Sutton, 1988 as cited in Choo 2001). 
List of references: 
Choo, C.W. (2001). Environmental scanning as information seeking and organizational learning. Information Research, 7(1) [Available at:
  • © the author, 2001. Updated: 24th September 2001 
Subramanian, R., Fernandes, N. & Harper, E. (1993). Environmental scanning in US companies: their nature and their relationship to performance.Management International Review 33 (3), 271-286. 
Sutton, H. (1988). Competitive intelligence. New York, NY: The Conference Board. 
The above paragraph conveys us that changes in the external and industry environments are very critical to business strategy formation and the growth/ sustainability of business organisations. Write a critical essay on ‘the external and industry environmental changes and need for proper scanning them for effective business strategy formation. 
You are requested to take any company or several companies from the nos 51 -100 companies in the list of Fortune Top 500 companies. Do not take the first 50 companies or above 100 in the list for your task.

You can use one or variety of companies from US Fortune 500 companies ( nos 51- 100 in the list) to support your arguments and analysis.

Data and figures are required in your analysis (data tables and figures: need heading and source in APA style).
Supporting your arguments/facts with references. You are required to read and use at least 2-3 academic journal articles extra to your text book or other text books references.

The following links will be useful for you:

  1. Critical essay writing: s3 : University of Sussex)
  2. websites

Important instructions

This is an individual task and word limit is 1000 -1200 (excluding title page, headings or sub headings, list of references, illustration- graphs, charts & models, tables and appendixes). Individual task requires individual effort but interaction with others is strongly encouraged using the Discussion Board. Share your ideas, arguments on facts references, this is very supportive and peer learning style which is always encouraged.

Your answers must reflect a mature understanding of the subject and the ‘subject learning outcomes’ (see 2.2 Course and Subject learning outcomes in the Subject Outline) Answers will ideally reflect subject knowledge, comprehension of the issues described, and your ability to apply thoughtful responses.

You should demonstrate your proficiency on analytical and theoretical applications with specific examples, therefore, point form and bullet points responses for this task will not be able to earn to pass marks

Supporting your arguments/facts with references. You are required to read and use at least 3 academic journal articles for the task and appropriate referencing (APA referencing style: in-text referencing and list of references

Essay structure:

Introduction: overview of your essay- It introduces the main idea of your essay. A good opening paragraph captures the interest of your reader and tells what and why your task is important;

Body: (this is not a heading for your essay)
o Use your own creativity and critical and analytical skills.o Headings/subheadings; headings as necessary to cover the main aspects

expected in the task
Conclusion: a final decision or judgment or explanation that is formed after your

whole work on the task

  • You have been given 2 times to submit in order to give opportunity to correct errors and resubmit if needed. Your last submission will be taken for evaluation.
  • You must make reference to the appropriate concepts, and theories that are introduced in the textbook and class sessions in your critical analysis and discussion (4%)
  • You must acknowledge the work of others and hence, in cite referencing and a reference list are mandatory and marks will be awarded for your efforts in adopting a recognisable referencing system, e.g. APA (2%)
  • You must provide a critical response to the task and therefore, show critical thinking in your analysis, interpretation and discussions. This will be determined in the content, depth and quality of your argument and responses (4%).
  • Helpful online resources : Students should check out the very helpful online resources relating to academic writing, referencing and avoiding plagiarism at:
  1. Writing and Maths Skills Online


(In particular, the booklet Summarising, Paraphrasing & Avoiding Plagiarism is a very useful guide).


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Last Updated on February 14, 2019

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