Do case study of Samsung from ch11 textbook page 321-322. One of your sources are textbook so do not forget to cite.
APA in-text citation cheat sheet
In-text citations are used within the content of your papers to credit your sources. There are two places where you can use in-text citations: at the beginning of a sentence and parenthetically at the end of a sentence. You will need to make minor adjustments to the in-text citation depending on the number of authors.
One author example:
Kimani-Murage (2013) stated childhood obesity was a risk factor for adult metabolic disease.
OR According to Kimani-Murage (2013) …
OR Childhood obesity was a risk factor for adult metabolic disease (Kimani-Murage, 2013).
Note that the period/full stop for this sentence is outside the parentheses.
Two authors example:
Prasad and Kochhar (2015) emphasized that dietary intervention for malnourished children ages six months to five years increased chances for survival and normal development.
OR According to Prasad and Kochhar (2015)…
OR Dietary intervention for malnourished children ages six months to five years increased chances for survival and normal development (Prasad &Kochhar, 2015).
Note that ‘and’ is used between the author last names when written in a sentence. The ampersand (‘&’) is used only in the parentheses.
Three, four, and five authors example:
When a source has three, four or five authors, cite all authors the first time you use them.
Carvalho, Goldie, and Salehi (2012) found that family planning significantly decreased maternal deaths in rural Kandahar.
ORIn a 2012 study, Carvalho, Goldie, and Salehi found that…
OR According to Carvalho, Goldie, and Salehi (2012)…
After the first use of the citation, use only the first author listed followed by et al.
According to Carvalho et al. (2012)…
Et al. stands for Et alia which is Latin for ‘And others’.
Family planning significantly decreased maternal deaths in rural Kandahar (Carvalho, Goldie, &Salehi, 2012).
Since maternal deaths represent a significant portion of women’s mortality rates in Afghanistan, decreasing maternal death rates will affect life expectancy rates for women (Carvalho et al., 2012).
When a source has six or more authors, use only the last name of the first author followed by et al., and the year of publication every time you use the source including the very first time.
If the author is unknown example:
If the author is unknown, use the title and year.
“Saving Lives, Improving Mothers’ Care” (2016) stated that cardiovascular disease was the cause of death for 25% of women who died either during pregnancy or about two months after pregnancy.
OR Cardiovascular disease was the cause of death for 25% of women who died either during pregnancy or about two months after pregnancy (“Saving Lives, Improving Mothers’ Care, 2016).
Example of an organization as author:
According to the World Health Organization (2017), contraceptive use rates are low (14%) for married adolescents in Nepal compared to that country’s national average (43%).
OR Contraceptive use rates are low (14%) for married adolescents in Nepal compared to that country’s national average (43%) (World Health Organization, 2017).
After you have written out the full name on first use, you can show the reader you will be using the initials in following citations. Therefore, (World Health Organization, 2017) can later be (WHO, 2017).
If there is no date or the date is unknown, use n.d. instead of the year to show “no date.”